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An outlier is an observation that appears to be unusual or not well described relative to a simple characterization of a dataset. A discomfiting possibility is that these data come from a different population than the one intended to be studied.

1 vote

Removing outliers from newspaper content analysis

If the number of stories per day is systematic with the day of the week , or the week of the year , or a particular day in the month , or if there has been shifts in the mean over time or changes in t …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k
0 votes

How to tell how extreme an outlier is?

The outliers make the sigma wide so that you miss outliers. The outlier was in fact a promotion. Using just the history of the series is not enough. … The reality is that Simple methods/software use a process where they assume a "mean model" to determine the outliers. The correct way is to build a model and identify the outliers at the same time. …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k
3 votes

outlier detection

I think that i have helped procedures to do precisely what you want. Given data prior to the most recent value ...."what is the probability that the "new value" is different form what it was supposed …
IrishStat's user avatar
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0 votes

Detecting initial trend or outliers

EDIT: Pulse outliers are often be mis-dagnosed as variance changes. They are 1 period variance changes. THe procedures I refer to are appropriate for single series not parallel series. …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k
0 votes

Detect abrupt change in time series

This is broadly referred to as Intervention Detection which encompasses not only change point detection (level …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k
1 vote

Finding anomalies using moving average in a time series

Anomalies can be easily detected while using "moving averages" . Please review the woRk or Tsay . You might also search for "AUTOMATIC DETECTION OF INTERVENTION VAR …
IrishStat's user avatar
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0 votes

Computing average value ignoring outliers

hope this helps Simplistic approaches , as suggested here , often fail to their lack of generality. In general you may have a series that has multiple trends and/or multiple levels thus to detect ano …
IrishStat's user avatar
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1 vote

Robust outlier detection in curve fitting with correlated errors

In order to identify outliers, one needs to have an equation that adequately describes the signal. …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k
2 votes

Does the presence of an outlier increase the probability that another outlier will also be p...

Outliers are a reflection of an unknown/unspecified external factor. If there is a relationship between two series then there would be an increased probability that both series would be affected. …
IrishStat's user avatar
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0 votes

Detecting outliers in a time-series

Outliers should always be identified and dealt with by including either a 0/1 dummy predictor variable (a form of data cleansing) or by introducing an additional (perhaps newly identified !) … The reason for this is that the empirically identified outliers enable robust parameter estimation but can severely under-estimate the going-forward uncertainty (error variance) around predictions. …
IrishStat's user avatar
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-1 votes

How to quantify the effect of outliers when estimating a regression coefficient?

Is there a version of the correlation coefficient that is less-sensitive to outliers? discusses estimating the effect of an outlier on the correlation coefficient . …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k
1 vote

Problem with time series outliers

IO=TC When you have a stationary series and you correctly have differenced it as a pulse =[1-B] STEP or a STEP=PULSE/[1-B] or a pulse = [1-.99999]STEP if the transitional coefficient is ap …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k
4 votes

Electrical Consumption Outlier Detection

I would use Intervention Detection as discussed here . … One could then rank the meters by the frequency of the different kinds of "outliers" . …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k
-1 votes

Remove Outlying Data with a Different Trend

Since you have unequal intervals between readings time series methods are inapplicable. BUT I would consider using an average reading for a fixed interval of time say 60 second intervals and build/ide …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k
0 votes

Time series random chance detection

Identify an ARIMA model using all the data and then add an indicator series for the last point (0,1) to your model. Compute the t value associated with that pulse indicator. Convert the t value to a p …
IrishStat's user avatar
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