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An observable pattern in the data.

0 votes

How to show trend line is typical

As a working alternative to my "tired old eyes" what I would do is as follows. Statistics longa, Eyesight brevis . I took the 9 annual values for Coventry and obtained and with stats here I would …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k
0 votes

Simple question on trend in time-series

The moving-average approach A.K.A. arima modelling can be used to compute the probability that the most recent values is statistically significantly different from expectations. Simply take the observ …
IrishStat's user avatar
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0 votes

Predict statistically sales trend will give you a number of discussions regarding predicting daily data and subsequentally month end totals . The issue is you need …
IrishStat's user avatar
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0 votes

What are some trends or interesting features you see in the following time series plot?

Only the data knows for sure ! with apologies to Lamont Cranston . One would have to capture any ARIMA structure to be able to "SEE" other significant phenomenon like Pulses , Level Shifts, Seasonal …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k
4 votes

Difference between temporal trends

Well John you might be at risk using a single trend model. If your data has a level shift you may be falsely concluding about a persistent change over time. … If your data is more representative of y(t)=y(t-1) + constant your trend model doesn't apply. I could go on for days about how trend models of the form y(t)=a+b*t are inadequate but I won't (here !). …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k
2 votes

Algorithm to detect periods with significant trends

Early work did not include Trend Detection but more recent software advances does so. … Particularly Detecting initial trend or outliers might be illuminating …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k
1 vote

Fit a trend to Time Series Data

It is interesting (at least to me) that at period 27 (1975) the trend abated while the error variance reduced. …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k
1 vote

deviation from the trend on seasonal data

In order to detect the periods that deviate from the trend one has to detect the trend in such a way that any existing deviations do not distort the identification of the trend. … In order to answer your question , I need to define "trend" and "deviate from trend ... anomaly" The general definition of what a trend is : The general course or prevailing tendency” From http:// …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k
3 votes

What is the best way to determine if pageviews are trending upward or downward?

Simply build an ARIMA MODEL that separate signal from noise incorporating any identifiable deterministic structure such as changes in levels/trends/seaonal pulses/parameter or variance change over tim …
IrishStat's user avatar
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-1 votes

Remove Outlying Data with a Different Trend

Since you have unequal intervals between readings time series methods are inapplicable. BUT I would consider using an average reading for a fixed interval of time say 60 second intervals and build/ide …
IrishStat's user avatar
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-1 votes

How to read/determine trend from a line graph?

Look at Trend shifts in timeseries and pick up some pointers. … Detecting trend is not accomplished by specifying a model or a derivative but by allowing the data to suggest the underlying model and then drawing inference. …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k
0 votes

High-level time-series question: How does one study a series' trend?

You ask "But what if I want to understand and explain the forces underlying trend? I want to look for the reasons for the increase and then the eventual reversal in the trend and subsequent decline." … in trend. …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k
0 votes

Converting nonstationary process

It does not appear to have non-linear trend effects just a response to unspecified predictor series. There may also be short term arima effects. Only your data knows for sure ! …
IrishStat's user avatar
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0 votes

How to remove trend with no look ahead bias?

De-trending requires a pre-specification of of how many values do you require before declaring that a new trend has started. … Outliers and ARIMA structure in a time series can lead to distortions in the identification of trend-point changes and may need to be incorporated prior to trend-point detection. …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k
0 votes

Comparison of time series sets

Sarah, Take your 36 numbers (12 values per cycle ; 3 cycles ) and construct a regression model with 11 indicators reflecting possible week-of-the-semester effect and then identify any necessary Interv …
IrishStat's user avatar
  • 30k

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