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Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) refers to a class of simulation methods for generating samples from a complex target distribution by generating random numbers from a Markov Chain whose stationary distribution is the target distribution. MCMC methods are typically used when more direct methods for random number generation (e.g. inversion method) are infeasible. The very first MCMC method was the Metropolis (et al.) algorithm, later expanded by Hastings.

13 votes

Why should we care about rapid mixing in MCMC chains?

In completion of both earlier answers, mixing is only one aspect of MCMC convergence. It is indeed directly connected with the speed of forgetting the initial value or distribution of the Markov chain …
Xi'an's user avatar
  • 108k
1 vote

MCMC - reject value or keep the same

Rejecting until an acceptance without repeating the current value induces a bias in the algorithm since it does not simulate from the proposal but from another distribution. Many questions on this for …
Xi'an's user avatar
  • 108k
1 vote

Examples of errors in MCMC algorithms

A very clear case (connected with the marginal likelihood approximation mentioned in the first answer) where true convergence is the example of the problem of label switching in mixture models coupled …
Xi'an's user avatar
  • 108k
6 votes

When is MCMC useful?

When you are given a prior $p(\theta)$ and a likelihood $f(x|\theta)$ that are either not computable in closed form or such that the posterior distribution $$p(\theta|x)\propto p(\theta)f(x|\theta)$$i …
Xi'an's user avatar
  • 108k
3 votes

Why do we require aperiodicity in MCMC?

Aperiodicity or the absence thereof is a minor nuisance: when a chain is periodic, it does not converge to the stationary distribution, strictly speaking. This does not prevent Birkhoff's ergodic theo …
Xi'an's user avatar
  • 108k
3 votes

In MCMC, why can throwing only initial data away improve the estimate?

Without proposing here a complete recap of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, let me point out that the fundamental concept behind these methods is that they converge to the distribution $\pi^\star(\cd …
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  • 108k
2 votes

Sufficient ESS in MCMC

The theoretical ESS of a Markov kernel is measures the modification in the asymptotic variance due to autocorrelation is unknown in most cases, thus need be estimated varies with the parameterisation …
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  • 108k
2 votes

Using autocorrelation to measure a Markov chain's mixing time

This is a consequence of a CLT established by Kipnis and Varadhan (1986): If the Markov chain $(X_n)$ is aperiodic, irreducible, and reversible with invariant distribution $\pi$, the CLT applies …
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  • 108k
7 votes

Understanding MCMC: what would the alternative be?

Calculating the denominator does not help in understanding the nature of the posterior distribution (or of any distribution). As discussed in a recent question, to know that the density of a d-dimensi …
Xi'an's user avatar
  • 108k
5 votes

Can the Acceptance rate for Metropolis-Hastings be greater than 1?

It all depends what you mean by "acceptance rate". If this means the ratio $$\dfrac{\pi(\theta^\text{prop})}{\pi(\theta^\text{current})}\times \dfrac{q(\theta^\text{current}|\theta^\text{prop})}{q(\th …
Xi'an's user avatar
  • 108k
2 votes

How to generate a random draw from the joint posterior density after MCMC has converged?

Assuming $\beta^{(t)}$, the value of the Markov chain after $t$ iterations, is demonstrably generated from the stationary distribution with density $f$, generating$$\beta_1^{(t+1)}|\beta_2^{(t)}\sim f …
Xi'an's user avatar
  • 108k
4 votes

Scale log-likelihood as MCMC sampler advances, to improve acceptance rate

In short, this method is not statistically valid without further steps. The function sample = mcmc_sampler(log_lkl, log_prior, lkl_scale) should be detailed because, as presented, the method does …
Xi'an's user avatar
  • 108k
2 votes

Hastings ratio for ensemble samplers

To simplify the algorithm, consider the case when a fixed point $\xi\in\mathbb R^n$ is used as a pivot and the proposal is $$Y_t=\xi+Z_t(X_t-\xi)\qquad Z_t\sim p(z)\propto 1/\sqrt{z}\quad z\in(a^{-1}, …
Xi'an's user avatar
  • 108k
2 votes

Is the result of Bayesian Inference with MCMC reliable since there maybe a big variance?

The question seems to be mixing two issues: Is using an MCMC approximation reliable? Is returning the average of the MCMC sample a good Bayesian estimate? Concerning point 1., MCMC may fail to con …
Xi'an's user avatar
  • 108k
1 vote

Metropolis-Hastings simulation of independent geometric random variables

If you consider each Metropolis-Hastings scheme separately with a separate acceptance probability, i.e., distinguish adding from removing as two separate Metropolis-Hastings schemes, the chain associa …
Xi'an's user avatar
  • 108k

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