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Refers to errors generated by a computer program or a statistical package. Make sure your question is related to STATISTICS, MACHINE LEARNING, or DATA ANALYSIS and is not solely about programming, support, or bugs. Include additional tags referring to the statistical issues involved.

4 votes

R logistic regression

From the documentation for ?Smarket, it doesn't appear to me that your two function calls are the same. The variables included are reported to be: A data frame with 1250 observations on the followin …
gung - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
1 vote

How to plot a binomial GLM with a three way interaction?

This is not much different than your prior question. Because you have all categorical variables, and because they are nested within a three-way interaction, you simply have a set of proportions. Get …
gung - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
1 vote

What post-hoc analysis should I use following a two-way ANCOVA with factor, integer and nume...

This seems to be due to a confusion on your part about the necessity (and even applicability) of post-hoc tests. When you have a categorical variable with multiple levels (e.g., several subspecies) a …
gung - Reinstate Monica's user avatar