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Predicting mean smooth in GAM with multiple continuous and categorical "by" variables
"you shouldn't be doing statistical testing like this: if p value of wiggly bit < 0.05 assume wiggly otherwise assume linear." - ok that's fair, but if p value of wiggly bit > 0.05 and linear <0.05 and it looks like mostly a flat line (or an uncurved plane for tensors), it's fairly safe to assume it's a linear relationship, no? and re. "you'll bias your results to keeping the wiggly bit in extreme data sets and drop it otherwise": I think this was a misunderstanding - I never intended to drop anything. I just want to be able to say "more wiggly, more linear, nothing at all"
Predicting mean smooth in GAM with multiple continuous and categorical "by" variables
It appears that in mgcv, in order to test/visualize such two-way interaction between continuous and categorical variables, I have to make this an extra term in the model (as you and I have done above). Put differently: if this were a linear model, I could inspect the two-way interaction of Sepal.Length and Sepal.Width in the model summary without having to specify it explicitly (I could just do Sepal.Length * Sepal.Width * Species), and I could pull out the marginal effects for "Sepal.Length * Sepal.Width" across all species. (2/2)
Predicting mean smooth in GAM with multiple continuous and categorical "by" variables
regarding question ii): "I'm not sure what the problem is because plot(mod1) will plot all the smooths allowing you to see the average effect of the smooth for sepal length separately from the species-specific smooth of that same covariate. " - Yes, but for that average effect this'll only work if I include "ti(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width)" without 'by="species"'. (1/2)
Predicting mean smooth in GAM with multiple continuous and categorical "by" variables
regarding question i): "Making statistical decisions in the way you plan using p values isn't advisable ... " - I wonder which statistical decisions you refer to. I simply wish to first test for non-linear within-species interactive effects (tensor product), and if there are none, for non-linear across-species interactive effects (tensor product), and if there are none, linear within-species interactive effects (linear interaction), and so on for the univariate terms. This should be fine if accompanied by adequate visualization and effect sizes in a table, no?
Predicting mean smooth in GAM with multiple continuous and categorical "by" variables
following up on the comment: "testing for wiggliness beyond a linear effect" is what I want, because otherwise I'd simply use linear models - so I guess I'll update the models accordingly. can I remove the linear function from the basis of a tensor smooth in the same fashion as for a spline (e.g. "ti(x,y, bs="tp", m=c(2,0)"?
Predicting mean smooth in GAM with multiple continuous and categorical "by" variables
still processing your answer, but already have a first question: I thought to understand linear vs non-linear patterns I would have to include linear terms in additions to the smooths? asked differently, when does it makes sense to include a variable as a linear term?
Predicting mean smooth in GAM with multiple continuous and categorical "by" variables
fixed typos, and clarified the problem programmatically
Predicting mean smooth in GAM with smooth-by-random-factor interaction
@GavinSimpson thanks for your comments (and for pointing me to gratia - good stuff!), but I am still confused as to what include in the first place - i.e., do I include the across-group term and then exclude all "by" terms? to move away from the comments I have posted it as a new question:
Predicting mean smooth in GAM with smooth-by-random-factor interaction
@GavinSimpson thanks - but if I passed on "group" through the "by" argument then I guess I can't exclude that - or would I have to include terms with and without "by"? E.g.: ti(v1, v2) + ti(v1, v2, by="group") and then exclude the latter when predicting?
Predicting mean smooth in GAM with smooth-by-random-factor interaction
I'd be interested in doing this with my model that has two continuous variables and one categorical (separate smooths and 3-way interaction, both implemented with the "by" argument), but I currently can't imagine how I might slip an additional dummy variable in there when the "by" argument is already used - does this call for a new question or can you elaborate here?
GAM: covariate specific fits do not appear to match approximate significance of smooth terms
re. GCV: I have used it in the past, and simply constrained the knots to lowest number possible - doesn't that partially take care of overly wiggly smooths?
GAM: covariate specific fits do not appear to match approximate significance of smooth terms
yupp that "*" was a problem - thanks for fixing. also, you are missing a ")"
GAM: covariate specific fits do not appear to match approximate significance of smooth terms
ad 1) I standardized the data because they are on vastly different scales (how does mgcv::gam deal with that?), and because I use the same standardized data in analyses where I have to standardize. ad 2) you mean always or just in this context?