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KiteSurfer's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
Ratio Measurement Scale and Absolute Zero
This is helpful. Thank you for your time. One follow-on questions using temperature as an example of an interval scale-- these is no decipherable meaning to "zero temperature". As I understand it, Ratio scales have an absolute zero beyond which there is nothing (no construct nor value). So what happens when there is a point beyond which there is nothing (no value) but that point is a negative number. Is it still an interval scale when there is an point beyond which there is no value, but that point is less than zero?
Calculating percentile data points of a distribution give min,median, Max, mean and StDev
User2974951 - here are a couple of other points of interest:the 10th percentile point is consistently 2.2XMin and the the 100th percentile point is approx 2x the 90th. Would that help in matching the data sets more precisely?
Calculating percentile data points of a distribution give min,median, Max, mean and StDev
Nick Cox and User2974951 - here are a couple of other points of interest:the 10th percentile point is consistently 2.2XMin and the the 100th percentile point is approx 2x the 90th. Would that help in matching the data sets more precisely?
Calculating percentile data points of a distribution give min,median, Max, mean and StDev
my website with my contact info on it is: the dupont group . net
Calculating percentile data points of a distribution give min,median, Max, mean and StDev
Matt, thank you. This is a good start- unfortunately I dont know much calculus... Would you be willing to consult for me and solve this problem. The shape of the curve is really important as I will be using the data points for a business purpose so I need to curves to match the data set exactly. The way I am doing it for the last 6 years is sort of sillyas I dont get an exact fit.