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Raphael Lopez Kaufman's user avatar
Raphael Lopez Kaufman
  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
Compute moment and quantiles of a stream of data
Ok so there is no concern on the convergence of the resulting density function when I simulate previous deleted values with the estimated density to which I add the new batch of values in order to compute a new estimate of the density. I should say that I'm a little concerned by this step. Speed is not my concern since the sensor issues values quite slowly.
Compute moment and quantiles of a stream of data
Thanks for your detailed answer. But you haven't given your opinion of the method I originally planned to use (that is estimating the density function)
Compute moment and quantiles of a stream of data
The problem lies in the fact that I need to process the output of ten thousands of sensors. Thanks for the threads you hinted at, I didn't know what was the English term for this specific problem