I need to find the distribution of the random variable $$Y=\sum_{i=1}^{n}(X_i)^2$$ where $X_i\sim{\cal{N}}(\mu_i,\sigma^2_i)$ and all $X_i$s are independent. I know that it is possible to first find the product of all moment generating functions for $X_i$s, and then transform back to obtain $Y$'s distribution. However, I wonder whether there is a general form for $Y$ like the Gaussian case: we know the sum of independent Gaussian is still a Gaussian, and thus we only need to know the summed mean and summed variance.
How about all $\sigma^2_i=\sigma^2$? Will this condition make a general solution?
provides approximate 'dpqr' functions for $Y$; c.f. github.com/shabbychef/sadists $\endgroup$