I was given an article reporting a study very similar to one my lab wishes to run. But, I noticed that for the variable of interest, Duration, the SDs are larger than the mean...since this is duration measured in minutes it can never be negative and this seems very strange to me. This happened in 2 studies reported, below is one.
Beyond that, this is a mixed-design. Control v Treatment (between groups), and Time1,Time2,Time3 (repeat measures). Here are the means (SDs), N >200
Time1 Time2 Time3
Control 15.1 (14.6) 14.4 (14.8) 13.3 (15.7)
Treatment 14.8 (13.2) 10.0 (12.2) 8.2 (9.9)
...they ran an ANOVA and reported a p<.001.
I was asked to use this as a basis for a power analysis to determine sample size for our study. I am pretty sure this indicates that the data is non-normal or has outliers and I don't feel comfortable determining sample size based on this. Am I just way off base?