My task is to assess how various environmental variables affect annual population fluctuations. For this, I would use a model like:
\mbox{log} ( \mu_{i,j+1} ) = \mbox{log} ( \mu_{i,j} ) + R_{j} + \sum\limits_{k} \alpha_k x_{k,j} \\
N_{i,j} \sim \mbox{Poiss} ( \mu_{i,j} )
Where $N_{i,j}$ is number of observed individuals at site i
in year j
, $\mu_{i,j}$ is the expected number of individuals at site i
in year j
, $x_{k,j}$ accross all $k$ is vector of environmental variables in year $j$, $\alpha_k$ are coefficients and $R_{j}$ is model coefficient meant to handle "background" population growth (it is not measured, this is just a model coefficient). However I think I will remove the year index $j$ and use it as intercept only, so that it doesn't hide possible global effect of environmental variables.
This was the simplest version of the model - in the next stage I would like to handle overdispersion (not sure how yet) and maybe add some per-site random effect.
How can I fit this model in R? I can write model in WinBUGS but prefer to have "frequentist" solution in R, because it is much faster and inference is easier (one has p-values, t-tests, F-tests...). But which function or package use to fit it? I don't think this can be implemented using GLM! I spotted that my equation can be converted to:
$$ \log\left({\mu_{i,j+1} \over \mu_{i,j}}\right) = R_{j} + \sum\limits_{k} \alpha_k x_k$$ Which resembles logistic regression: $$\log\left({\mu_{i,j+1} \over \mu_{i,j}}\right) = \text{logit}\left({\mu_{i,j+1} \over { \mu_{i,j}} + \mu_{i,j+1}}\right) = R_{j} + \sum\limits_{k} \alpha_k x_k$$ $$N_{i,j+1} \sim \text{Binom}\left(N_{i,j} + N_{i,j+1}, p = {\mu_{i,j+1} \over { \mu_{i,j}} + \mu_{i,j+1}}\right)$$ However, I am not sure this gives equivalent result; this converts the Poisson counts to Binomial; and possibly, it would not be quite straightforward to handle overdispersion (the Poisson overdispersion for animal counts is well covered and published; it is not clear how would it work in the binomial version). For this reason, I prefer to compute the original model as it is (Poisson).
How to incorporate a negative density dependence (i.e. the population growth is lower where there is a lot of individuals)? Add something like $\beta * \ln(\mu_{i,j})$ to the right side? Seems little strange to me...