I will show another possible solution, that is quite widely applicable, and with todays R software, quite easy to implement. That is the saddlepoint density approximation, which ought to be wider known!
For terminology about the gamma distribution, I will follow https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_distribution with the shape/scale parametrization, $k$ is shape parameter and $\theta$ is scale. For the saddlepoint approximation I will follow Ronald W Butler: "Saddlepoint approximations with applications" (Cambridge UP). The saddlepoint approximation is explained here: How does saddlepoint approximation work?
here I will show how it is used in this application.
Let $X$ be a random variable with existing momentgenerating function
M(s) = E e^{sX}
$$ which must exist for $s$ in some open interval that contains zero. Then define the cumulant generating function by
K(s) = \log M(s)
It is known that $E X = K'(0), \text{Var} (X) = K''(0)$. The saddlepoint equation is $$ K'(\hat{s}) = x$$ which implicitly defines $s$ as a function of $x$ (which must be in the range of $X$). We write this implicitely defined function as
$\hat{s}(x)$. Note that the saddlepoint equation always has exactly one solution, because the cumulant function is convex.
Then the saddlepoint approximation to the density $f$ of $X$ is given by
\hat{f}(x) = \frac1{\sqrt{2\pi K''(\hat{s})}} \exp(K(\hat{s}) - \hat{s} x)
This approximate density function is not guaranteed to integrate to 1, so is the unnormalized saddlepoint approximation. We could integrate it numerically and the renormalize to get a better approximation. But this approximation is guaranteed to be non-negative.
Now let $X_1, X_2, \dots, X_n$ be independent gamma random variables, where $X_i$ has the distribution with parameters $(k_i, \theta_i)$. Then the cumulant generating function is
K(s) = -\sum_{i=1}^n k_i \ln(1-\theta_i s)
$$ defined for $s<1/\max(\theta_1, \theta_2, \dots, \theta_n)$.
The first derivative is
K'(s) = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{k_i \theta_i}{1-\theta_i s}
and the second derivative is
K''(s) = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{k_i \theta_i^2}{(1-\theta_i s)^2}.
In the following I will give some R
code calculating this, and will use the parameter values $n=3$, $k=(1,2,3)$, $\theta=(1,2,3)$. Note that the following R
code uses a new argument in the uniroot function introduced in R 3.1, so will not run in older R's.
shape <- 1:3 #ki
scale <- 1:3 # thetai
# For this case, we get expectation=14, variance=36
make_cumgenfun <- function(shape, scale) {
# we return list(shape, scale, K, K', K'')
n <- length(shape)
m <- length(scale)
stopifnot( n == m, shape > 0, scale > 0 )
return( list( shape=shape, scale=scale,
Vectorize(function(s) {-sum(shape * log(1-scale * s) ) }),
Vectorize(function(s) {sum((shape*scale)/(1-s*scale))}) ,
Vectorize(function(s) { sum(shape*scale*scale/(1-s*scale))
})) )
solve_speq <- function(x, cumgenfun) {
# Returns saddle point!
shape <- cumgenfun[[1]]
scale <- cumgenfun[[2]]
Kd <- cumgenfun[[4]]
uniroot(function(s) Kd(s)-x,lower=-100,
upper = 0.3333,
extendInt = "upX")$root
make_fhat <- function(shape, scale) {
cgf1 <- make_cumgenfun(shape, scale)
K <- cgf1[[3]]
Kd <- cgf1[[4]]
Kdd <- cgf1[[5]]
# Function finding fhat for one specific x:
fhat0 <- function(x) {
# Solve saddlepoint equation:
s <- solve_speq(x, cgf1)
# Calculating saddlepoint density value:
# Returning a vectorized version:
} #end make_fhat
fhat <- make_fhat(shape, scale)
plot(fhat, from=0.01, to=40, col="red",
main="unnormalized saddlepoint approximation\n
to sum of three gamma variables")
resulting in the following plot:
I will leave the normalized saddlepoint approximation as an exercise.