Is it possible to get the probe2WayMC()
function from SEMtools package for Lavaan in R to give estimates based upon the fully standardized solution of a SEM model? (i.e., using the estimates from the "Std.all" output column rather than the "Estimate" column).
I tried setting, std.ov=TRUE
to make the Estimates column the same as Std.all, but the parameters were still not the same (see "fit model: version 2" in code below).
Below is a reproductable example that mirrors my real data problem. The code (lightly edited by myself) comes from the supplementary materials of this article https://10.3390/psych3030024 by Schoemann & Jorgensen (2021). My edited version features: continuous IV, continous moderator, continous mediator, binary DV. I am fitting a linear probability model. The code gives simple slopes for the moderation and conditional indirect effects, however, all based upon the unstandardized solution (i.e., values in the "Estimate" column not "Std.all").
# load packages
# generate data
dat2wayMC <- indProd(dat2way, 1:3, 4:6)
dat2wayMC$DVbinary <- sample(0:1, 10000, replace = TRUE)
# sem model with latent factor interactions from semTools package
model1 <- "
# cfa
f1 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
f2 =~ x4 + x5 + x6
f12 =~ x1.x4 + x2.x5 + x3.x6
f3 =~ x7 + x8 + x9
# path analysis
f3 ~ f1 + f2 + f12
f12 ~~ 0*f1 + 0*f2
x1 + x4 + x1.x4 + x7 ~ 0*1 # identify latent means
f1 + f2 + f12 + f3 ~ NA*1
DVbinary ~ b*f3
# fit model: version 1
fitMC2way <- sem(model1, data = dat2wayMC, meanstructure = TRUE)
# fit model: version 2
fitMC2way <- sem(model1, data = dat2wayMC, meanstructure = TRUE,, std.ov=TRUE)
summary(fitMC2way, standardized=TRUE)
# latent factor moderation
probe <- probe2WayMC(fitMC2way, nameX = c("f1", "f2", "f12"),
nameY = "f3", modVar = "f2", valProbe = c(-1, 0, 1))
# conditional indirect effects on newDV
probe$SimpleSlope$est * coef(fitMC2way)[["b"]]
# custom function to return simple slopes
condIndFX <- function(fit) {
condFX <- probe2WayMC(fit, nameX = c("f1", "f2", "f12"), nameY = "f3",
modVar = "f2", valProbe = c(-1, 0, 1))
indFX <- condFX$SimpleSlope$est * coef(fit)[["b"]]
names(indFX) <- paste("f2 =", condFX$SimpleSlope$f2)
# test once on original data
# (too small) bootstrap sample of simple slopes
bootOut <- bootstrapLavaan(fitMC2way, R = 10, FUN = condIndFX)
# percentile 95% CI
apply(bootOut, MARGIN = 2, FUN = quantile, probs = c(.025, .975))