Let's say I have a longitudinal study, with patients assessed at several time points, which goal is to compare the treatment vs. placebo.
If, theoretically, I used a mixed model to analyse the difference over time, should I include only the random slopes for time without random intercepts?
My reasoning is as follows. Random slopes allows each patient to have own regression line over time, which accounts for different within-patient correlation over time (does it, indeed, or should I consider also some residual covariance?)
But random intercepts allow each patient to vary in the outcome of interest at baseline, which is out of interest in randomized trials. And since my patients are randomized and all start from comparably same levels of this outcome, allowing them for random intercepts is like comparing the baseline outcomes between the arms seems to make no sense at all.
Thus, if I want to use the lme4::lmer4 package to model it, should I use specification formula: Response ~ Time + (Time + 0 | ID) rather than Response ~ Time + (Time|ID)?
Am I right about this reasoning?