R and Stata have different default behaviors when making predictions from a model that uses categorical/factor covariates. For example, if I want to predict outcomes for both levels of a two-level covariate factor (in this case foreign and domestic cars), holding all other values at their means, Stata's margins [varname], atmeans
does weird stuff with factors, calculating the mean 0/1 value for each level:
. sysuse auto2
. reg price mpg i.foreign i.rep78
price | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
mpg | -299.6068 63.34525 -4.73 0.000 -426.2322 -172.9815
foreign |
Foreign | 1102.334 901.7772 1.22 0.226 -700.2928 2904.961
rep78 |
Fair | 841.3622 2055.452 0.41 0.684 -3267.428 4950.153
Average | 1285.116 1901.486 0.68 0.502 -2515.901 5086.132
Good | 1155.571 1984.561 0.58 0.562 -2811.51 5122.652
Excellent | 2353.179 2130.577 1.10 0.274 -1905.784 6612.142
_cons | 10856.24 2266.757 4.79 0.000 6325.06 15387.43
. margins foreign, atmeans
Adjusted predictions Number of obs = 69
Model VCE : OLS
Expression : Linear prediction, predict()
at : mpg = 21.28986 (mean)
0.foreign = .6956522 (mean)
1.foreign = .3043478 (mean)
1.rep78 = .0289855 (mean)
2.rep78 = .115942 (mean)
3.rep78 = .4347826 (mean)
4.rep78 = .2608696 (mean)
5.rep78 = .1594203 (mean)
| Delta-method
| Margin Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
foreign |
Domestic | 5810.55 415.892 13.97 0.000 4979.194 6641.907
Foreign | 6912.884 700.8393 9.86 0.000 5511.927 8313.842
R, on the other hand, cannot calculate the mean of a factor (since that's mathematically impossible anyway), and it doesn't divide factors up into numerical proportions like Stata. Instead, when creating a new dataframe of covariates to pass into the model, I have to choose one of the factor levels:
auto <- read_stata("http://www.stata-press.com/data/r13/auto2.dta")
model <- lm(price ~ mpg + as.factor(foreign) + as.factor(rep78), data=auto)
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept) 10856.24 2266.76 4.789 1.08e-05 ***
#> mpg -299.61 63.35 -4.730 1.34e-05 ***
#> as.factor(foreign)1 1102.33 901.78 1.222 0.226
#> as.factor(rep78)2 841.36 2055.45 0.409 0.684
#> as.factor(rep78)3 1285.12 1901.49 0.676 0.502
#> as.factor(rep78)4 1155.57 1984.56 0.582 0.562
#> as.factor(rep78)5 2353.18 2130.58 1.104 0.274
#> ---
# Create new data with average values of all covariates for both foreign and
# domestic cars
newdata <- expand.grid(mpg = mean(auto$mpg, na.rm=TRUE),
foreign = c(0, 1),
rep78 = 3) # One of the factor levels
# Not the same as Stata, obviously
predict(model, newdata=newdata)
#> 1 2
#> 5760.544 6862.878
I'm using R to replicate a study that was originally done in Stata that used margins [varname], atmeans
to generate predicted outcomes from a model with several categorical covariates. Is there a way to replicate the pseudo-mean factor value like Stata does (decomposing the factor into its individual levels, coded as dummy 0/1 values), or is there a more accurate way to use predict()
with "average" categories in R (other than just arbitrarily choosing one of the levels)? Which approach (Stata's mean-of-each-level vs. R's choose-one-level) is more accurate/appropriate?
option. $\endgroup$over()
or anything else results in the proportion of each category level. So, the defaultatmeans
behavior… $\endgroup$