I'm working on a problem which has the following qualities.
- The available data $x$ is numerous - on the order of $10^6$
- The CDF $F_X$ has support over nonnegative real numbers.
- I don't know $F_X$.
- We can assume the data are iid.
- I am attempting to estimate the probability that a future sample drawn from $F_X$ falls below the sample minimum $x_{(1)}$. More to the point, I want to keep this probability below a specific value $\alpha.$
When one is concerned with confidence intervals, the approach is to pick some value $k>0$ (because $x$ has nonnegative support) and use $\hat{F_X}(k)=\hat{p}=\frac{\#(x_i\le k)}{n}$, then derive left-tail binomial confidence intervals using any of a number of options, such as applying the CLT or Casella's or Jeffreys's or Agresti's or any other of many methods.
This seems brittle for large $n$ and small $k$, especially because $k=x_{(1)}$. Moreover, in my case we are estimating a prediction interval for the future observations. Is there a binomial prediction interval that works well under these circumstances?
A Bayesian approach would estimate $F$ directly and work from there. That seems harder than is strictly necessary for the narrow scope of this problem.
The answer "Nope, life is unfair and there's no good solution this problem" is also helpful if there's a nice citation to go with it.