I am having a lot of fun with regression analysis at the moment, and by fun I mean bashing myself repeatedly over the head. I have a set of 200 data points, by filtering on a property of interest, I end up with 153 points of use.
I initially used these 153 points to generate a linear regression, with an excellent R${^2}$ and a plot of fitted vs actual variables of almost a perfect diagonal. Great! However, it was suggested that this might only be an internally predictive model (which as I understand it means the model fits the data, rather than the opposite). So, I then tried this: I randomly selected a sample of 100 of the 153 results, and built the same model, it still gave a relatively good fit. I then used the predict function in R to try to predict the outcome of the other 53 records. It did not go well. What I got was one of 2 things.
- the predictions made no sense at all, not even on the same scale as the actual values.
- most of the predictions made sense (although weren't very accurate) and one or two, were on an entirely different scale (orders of magnitude larger, or smaller).
Since the model I am fitting has time as the response variable, it was suggested I use a Gamma fit regression instead of a plain old linear regression. I tried this and ended up essentially with the result.
So, am I using R correctly, was Gamma a good choice for this? I'm pretty sure my data is good (non biased) so if I am unable to predict, despite the good model - does this mean my model is useless? I've been working on this for some weeks now, and it would be great if I could salvage something.
The R commands I have used:
fit<-lm("time~(x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6)^3", data=modelData)
pred<-predict(fit, predictData)
plot(predictData$time, pred) <- gives a really not useful plot
fit2<-glm("time~(x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6)^3", data=modelData, family=Gamma) # tried with link=log too
pred2<-predict(fit2, predictData)
plot(predictData$time, pred2) <- gives an even less useful plot