I am looking at several dependant variables for which I created LMMs of the following kind:
DV ~ Group + (1|Subject) + (1|Time)
Now I am struggling with how to interpret the output concerning the random effects, e.g. for DV1:
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
Subject (Intercept) 6.2 2.49
Time (Intercept) 67.7 8.23
Residual 50.2 7.08
and for DV2:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
Subject (Intercept) 27.2 5.22
Time (Intercept) 17.7 4.21
Residual 125.2 11.19
Are conclusions such as the following valid?
- Variability between subjects was about twice as high for DV2 than DV1.
- Variability between dates (time) was higher for DV1 than DV2.
- For DV1 time accounted for a higher variability than subject
- For DV2 a similar amount of variability can be attributed to time and subject.
- For DV1 there was a variability of about 8 [units] between years.
- For DV2 variability between subjects was about 5 [units].