Let $X_1,..., X_n $ be a random sample of a variable with PDF:
$$f(x|\theta)=\frac{\theta}{x^2} I_{(\theta, \infty)}(x), \theta >0$$
Find the maximum likelihood estimator for $\theta$ and $ E[X]$
My attempt:
The likelihood function is:
$$L(\theta;x) = \theta^n I_{(\theta, \infty)}(x_{(1)}) \prod \frac{1}{x_i^2} = \theta^n I_{(0, x_{(1)}}(\theta) \prod \frac{1}{x_i^2}$$
Since the indicator function and the product are positive, the likelihood function is increasing. Also, since $\theta$ is on the interval given in the indicator, then $\theta$ is maximum when $\theta = X_{(1)}$. (Is this correct?)
The second doubt is about how to find an estimator of $E[X]$. Calculating it, we have that
$$E[X] = \infty$$
What should I answer, in this case? Or did I do something wrong?