I'm trying to understand Fisher's exact test and the $\chi^2$ test of independence.
Suppose I've got a Markov Chain of first order with the following TPM:
$M = \begin{pmatrix} 0.3 & 0.7 \\ 0.99 & 0.01 \end{pmatrix}$.
I create a path with $N$ observations using the inverse CDF method. I can reproduce almost the same TPM with MLE from the path:
$N=1000: \hat{M} = \begin{pmatrix} 0.27& 0.73\\0.98 & 0.02\end{pmatrix}$
By the way, is there a rule of thumb about what the minimum sample size $N$ is?
Anyway, I know, for a first order Markov process the $X_t \in X$ and $X_{t+1} \in X$ are dependent, but $X_t$ and $X_{t+2}\in X$ are not (how do I write that formally?). If I create the contingency table via:
tab =
158 417
417 8
p = 1.5748e-110
tab2 = full(sparse(X(1:end-1),X(2:end),1))
tab2 =
158 417
417 8
Which should give me the one step contingency table, correct? p is the p-value of the $\chi^2$ test. That is ok so far. But if I use
tab =
455 119
119 106
p = 4.968e-59
Shouldn't be that independent?
And if I reduce the sample size to $N=100$ the $p=2.2e-11$ for the two step table. The same occurs with Fisher's test from http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/26883-myfisher
Would anybody please be so kind and explain to me what I'm doing wrong here? Especially why my assumption don't work, or whether my code is wrong?
The background of the whole story is: I have a quite long time series with 4 states, and I need to estimate the minimal Markov chain order.
Thank you very much!