I have a sample (of size 250) from a population. I do not know the distribution of the population.
The main question: I want a point estimate of the 1st-percentile of the population, and then I want a 95% confidence interval around my point estimate.
My point estimate will be the sample 1st-percentile. I denote it $x$.
After that, I try to build the confidence interval around the point estimate. I wonder if it makes sense to use bootstrap here. I am very inexperienced with bootstrap, so pardon if I fail to use the appropriate terminology etc.
Here is how I tried to do it. I draw 1000 random samples with replacement from my original sample. I obtain the 1st-percentile from each of them. Thus I have 1000 points - "the 1st-percentiles". I look at the empirical distribution of these 1000 points. I denote the mean of it $x_{mean}$. I denote a "bias" as follows: $\text{bias}=x_{mean}-x$. I take the 2.5th-percentile and 97.5th percentile of the 1000 points to obtain the lower and the higher end of what I call a 95% confidence interval around the 1st-percentile of the original sample. I denote these points $x_{0.025}$ and $x_{0.975}$.
The last remaining step is to adapt this confidence interval to be around the 1st-percentile of the population rather than around the 1st-percentile of the original sample. Thus I take $x-\text{bias}-(x_{mean}-x_{0.025})$ as the lower end and $x-\text{bias}+(x_{0.975}-x_{mean})$ as the upper end of the 95% confidence interval around the point estimate of the population's 1st-percentile. This last interval is what I was seeking for.
A crucial point, in my opinion, is whether it makes sense to use bootstrap for 1st-percentile which is rather close to the tail of the unknown underlying distribution of the population. I suspect it might be problematic; think about using bootstrap for building a confidence interval around a minimum (or a maximum).
But perhaps this approach is flawed? Please let me know.
Having thought about the problem a little more, I see that my solution implies the following: the empirical 1st percentile of the original sample may be a biased estimator of the 1st percentile of the population. And if so, the point estimate should be bias-adjusted: $x-\text{bias}$. Otherwise the bias-adjusted confidence interval would not be compatible with the bias-unadjusted point estimate. I need to adjust either both the point estimate and the confidence interval or none of them.
If, on the other hand, I did not allow for the estimate to be biased, I would not have to do the bias adjustment. That is, I would take $x$ as the point estimate and $x-(x_{mean}-x_{0.025})$ as the lower end and $x+(x_{0.975}-x_{mean})$ as the upper end of the 95% confidence interval. I am not sure whether this interval makes sense...
So does it make any sense to assume that the sample 1st percentile is a biased estimate of the population 1st percentile? And if not, is my alternative solution correct?