I have data that I have fit using lme with the following structure (Subject
is implemented as a random effect in order to account for multiple paired comparisons):
model <- lme(values ~ factor, data=mydata.df, random=~1|Subject,
na.action=na.omit, contrasts=c("contr.sum","contr. poly"))
performs an F test and reports the significance of the relationship between values
and factor
. Then I use glht
to do posthoc comparisons among the levels of factor
. I don't want summary
to apply a correction for multiple comparisons, I just want the raw p-values, because later I pool all the raw p-values for a larger set of related models and hypotheses, and perform a false discovery rate (FDR) correction.
I'm having trouble navigating the documentation to determine exactly what statistical test is being performed by glht
. Is it performing univariate t-tests between two factor levels at a time, without considering pooled variance across all levels, or is it in fact considering the full variance of the model (that's what I want it to do)? Actually, it reports z values, not t values, so does that imply that it is referring to the population variance? Is the test, then, simply called a "z-test"?