From my understanding, both are estimators that are based on first providing an unbiased statistic $T(X)$ and obtaining the root to the equation:
$$c(X) \left( T(X) - E(T(X)) \right) = 0$$
Secondly both are in some sense "nonparametric" in that, regardless of what the actual probability model for $X$ may be, if you think of $T(\cdot)$ as a meaningful summary of the data, then you will be consistently estimating that "thing" regardless of whether that thing has any probabilistic connection with the actual probability model for the data. (e.g. estimating the sample mean from Weibull distributed failure times without censoring).
However, method of moments seems to insinuate that the $T(X)$ of interest must be a moment for a readily assumed probability model, however, one estimates it with an estimating equation and not maximum likelihood (even though they may agree, as is the case for means of normally distributed random variables). Calling something a "moment" to me has the connotation of insinuating a probability model. However, supposing for instance we have log normally distributed data, is the method of moments estimator for the 3rd central moment based on the 3rd sample moment, e.g. $$\hat{\mu_3} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \left( X_i - \bar{X} \right)^3$$
Or does one estimate the first and second moment, transform them to estimate the probability model parameters, $\mu$ and $\sigma$ (whose estimates I will denote with hat notation) and then use these estimates as plug-ins for the derive skewness of lognormal data, i.e.
$$ \hat{\mu_3} = \left( \exp \left( \hat{\sigma}^2 \right) + 2\right) \sqrt{\exp \left( \hat{\sigma}^2-1\right)}$$