I'm searching for a built-in function in R for calculating the required sample size (given certain power, alpha,..) of a mixed ANOVA (2 between, 1 within variable, 2x2x2 design). Does this function exist? I didn't find it in the following packages:
•pwr is the oldest power-analysis library; some introductory info can be found on Quick-R
•PoweR: Computation of power and level tables for hypothesis tests
•Power2Stage: Power and Sample size distribution of 2-stage BE studies via simulations
•powerAnalysis: Power analysis in experimental design
•powerGWASinteraction: Power Calculations for Interactions for GWAS
•powerMediation: Power/Sample size calculation for mediation analysis, simple linear regression, logistic regression, or longitudinal study
•powerpkg: Power analyses for the affected sib pair and the TDT design
•powerSurvEpi: Power and sample size calculation for survival analysis of epidemiological studies
•PowerTOST: Power and Sample size based on two one-sided t-tests (TOST) for (bio)equivalence studies
•longpower: Power and sample size for linear model of longitudinal data