I don't think the title of your question accurately captures what you're asking for.
The question of how to interpret the parameters in a GLM is very broad because the GLM is a very broad class of models. Recall that a GLM models a response variable $y$ that is assumed to follow a known distribution from the exponential family, and that we have chosen an invertible function $g$ such that
\mathrm{E}\left[y\,|\,x\right] = g^{-1}{\left(x_0 + x_1\beta_1 + \dots + x_J\beta_J\right)}
for $J$ predictor variables $x$. In this model, the interpretation of any particular parameter $\beta_j$ is the rate of change of $g(y)$ with respect to $x_j$. Define $\mu \equiv \mathrm{E}{\left[y\,|\,x\right]} = g^{-1}{\left(x\right)}$ and $\eta \equiv x \cdot \beta$ to keep the notation clean. Then, for any $j \in \{1,\dots,J\}$,
\beta_j = \frac{\partial\,\eta}{\partial\,x_j} = \frac{\partial\,g(\mu)}{\partial\,x_j} \text{.}
Now define $\mathfrak{e}_j$ to be a vector of $J-1$ zeroes and a single $1$ in the $j$th position, so that for example if $J=5$ then $\mathfrak{e}_3 = \left(0,0,1,0,0\right)$. Then
\beta_j = g{\left(\mathrm{E}{\left[y\,|\,x + \mathfrak{e}_j \right]}\right)} - g{\left(\mathrm{E}{\left[y\,|\,x\right]}\right)}
Which just means that $\beta_j$ is the effect on $\eta$ of a unit increase in $x_j$.
You can also state the relationship in this way:
\frac{\operatorname{\partial}\mathrm{E}{\left[y\,|\,x\right]}}{\operatorname{\partial}x_j} = \frac{\operatorname{\partial}\mu}{\operatorname{\partial}x_j} = \frac{\operatorname{d}\mu}{\operatorname{d}\eta}\frac{\operatorname{\partial}\eta}{\operatorname{\partial}x_j} = \frac{\operatorname{\partial}\mu}{\operatorname{\partial}\eta} \beta_j = \frac{\operatorname{d}g^{-1}}{\operatorname{d}\eta} \beta_j
\mathrm{E}{\left[y\,|\,x + \mathfrak{e}_j \right]} - \mathrm{E}{\left[y\,|\,x\right]} \equiv \operatorname{\Delta_j} \hat y = g^{-1}{\left( \left(x + \mathfrak{e}_j\right)\beta \right)} - g^{-1}{\left( x\,\beta \right)}
Without knowing anything about $g$, that's as far as we can get. $\beta_j$ is the effect on $\eta$, on the transformed conditional mean of $y$, of a unit increase in $x_j$, and the effect on the conditional mean of $y$ of a unit increase in $x_j$ is $g^{-1}{\left(\beta\right)}$.
But you seem to be asking specifically about Poisson regression using R's default link function, which in this case is the natural logarithm. If that's the case, you're asking about a specific kind of GLM in which $y \sim \mathrm{Poisson}{\left(\lambda\right)}$ and $g = \ln$. Then we can get some traction with regard to a specific interpretation.
From what I said above, we know that $\frac{\operatorname{\partial}\mu}{\operatorname{\partial}x_j} = \frac{\operatorname{d}g^{-1}}{\operatorname{d}\eta} \beta_j$. And since we know $g(\mu) = \ln(\mu)$, we also know that $g^{-1}(\eta) = e^\eta$. We also happen to know that $\frac{\operatorname{d}e^\eta}{\operatorname{d}\eta} = e^\eta$, so we can say that
\frac{\operatorname{\partial}\mu}{\operatorname{\partial}x_j} = \frac{\operatorname{\partial}\mathrm{E}{\left[y\,|\,x\right]}}{\operatorname{\partial}x_j} = e^{x_0 + x_1\beta_1 + \dots + x_J\beta_J}\beta_j
which finally means something tangible:
Given a very small change in $x_j$, the fitted $\hat y$ changes by $\hat y\,\beta_j$.
Note: this approximation can actually work for changes as large as 0.2, depending on how much precision you need.
And using the more familiar unit change interpretation, we have:
\operatorname{\Delta_j} \hat y &= e^{ x_0 + x_1\beta_1 + \dots + \left(x_j + 1\right)\,\beta_j + \dots + x_J\beta_J } - e^{x_0 + x_1\beta_1 + \dots + x_J\beta_J} \\
&= e^{ x_0 + x_1\beta_1 + \dots + x_J\beta_J + \beta_j} - e^{x_0 + x_1\beta_1 + \dots + x_J\beta_J} \\
&= e^{ x_0 + x_1\beta_1 + \dots + x_J\beta_J}e^{\beta_j} - e^{x_0 + x_1\beta_1 + \dots + x_J\beta_J} \\
&= e^{ x_0 + x_1\beta_1 + \dots + x_J\beta_J} \left( e^{\beta_j} - 1 \right)
which means
Given a unit change in $x_j$, the fitted $\hat y$ changes by $\hat y \left( e^{\beta_j} - 1 \right)$.
There are three important pieces to note here:
- The effect of a change in the predictors depends on the level of the response.
- An additive change in the predictors has a multiplicative effect on the response.
- You can't interpret the coefficients just by reading them (unless you can compute arbitrary exponentials in your head).
So in your example, the effect of increasing pH by 1 is to increase $\ln \hat y$ by $\hat y \left( e^{0.09} - 1 \right)$; that is, to multiply $\hat y$ by $e^{0.09} \approx 1.09$. It looks like your outcome is the number of darters you observe in some fixed unit of time (say, a week). So if you're observing 100 darters a week at a pH of 6.7, raising the pH of the river to 7.7 means you can now expect to see 109 darters a week.