Estimate individual ARIMA models, obtain their residuals (innovations) $e_{xt}$ and $e_{yt}$.
From here you have a couple of options. The simplest one is to get the correlation of the residuals $\rho$, then use for forecasting. For instance, you can use the standard Cholesky decomposition method to produce correlated paths $e_{xt}$, $e_{yt}$ for Monte Carlo simulation, then plug them into ARIMA to forecast future values.
Of course, if $\rho$ is very small, you may consider ignoring it. Look at the statistical significance of your correlation coefficient. The chances are that it'll be not significant. Note, that correlation of series $x_t,y_t$ doesn't have to be the same as of $e_x,e_y$. This is especially true if you have exogenous variables, i.e. use ARIMAX model, because in this case the exogenous variables may capture the large part of correlation. Note also, that even if the series do not share exogenous variables, the variables could be correlated. For instance, GDP is correlated with Unemployment.
The second option is to use Copulas to forecast innovations. This may be a better solution in some cases.