Repeated measures ANOVA will work. ANCOVA is another option. The ANOVA of difference scores and ANCOVA test the same null hypothesis in the context of a randomized experiment, but ANCOVA is usually more powerful.
The trade-off has to do with the size of the error term in ANCOVA vs the extra parameter needed for the regression slope in ANCOVA which is assumed to be 1 in the ANOVA. The error term is smaller in ANCOVA and that increases the MS_error, which increases the F ratio. But, there is one less degree of freedom for the numerator, which makes p values slightly larger.
The bottom line is that, between the two, ANCOVA is usually more powerful. See Maxwell and Delaney, chapter 9 for more details.
Here is another reference: "Pretest-posttest designs and measurement of change" by Dimitrov and Rumrill (2003).