I wish to explore the effects of the component percentages (independent variables) on fruit sweetness $S$ (dependent variable). Assume for simplicity that our fruit only contains 3 components, respectively taking up $A$, $B$, and $C$ of the total weight. Thus, we have $$A +B+C=1.$$
Now, I apply multiple linear regression $$S=\beta_0+\beta_1A+\beta_2B+\beta_3C$$ and am interested in if the 3 components as a whole have effects on the sweetness at all.
In this case, knowing any two gives me the third component. Should I include only two components in the regression? Any two will do?
How can I derive the overall $p$-value? MATLAB returns the $p$-values for each regressor. Can I derive the overall $p$ from them?