The problem is that without knowing exactly what $\theta$ is, we cannot know the variance of its Monte-Carlo estimator. The solution is to estimate that variance and hope the estimate is sufficiently close to the truth.
The very simplest form of Monte-Carlo estimation surrounds the graph of the integrand, $f(x) = e^{-x^2}(1-x)$, by a box (or other congenial figure that is easy to work with) of area $A$ and places $n$ independent uniformly random points in the box. The proportion of points lying under the graph, times the area $A$, estimates the area $\theta$ under the graph. As usual, let's write this estimator of $\theta$ as $\hat\theta$. For examples, see the figure at the end of this post.
Because the chance of any point lying under the graph is $p = \theta / A$, the count $X$ of points lying under the graph has a Binomial$(n, p)$ distribution. This has an expected value of $np$ and a variance of $np(1-p)$. The variance of the estimate therefore is
$$\text{Var}(\hat \theta) = \text{Var}\left(\frac{AX}{n}\right) = \left(\frac{A}{n}\right)^2\text{Var}(X) = \left(\frac{A}{n}\right)^2 n \left(\frac{\theta}{A}\right)\left(1 - \frac{\theta}{A}\right) = \frac{\theta(A-\theta)}{n}.$$
Because we do no know $\theta$, we first use a small $n$ to obtain an initial estimate and plug that into this variance formula. (A good educated guess about $\theta$ will serve well to start, too. For instance, the graph (see below) suggests $\theta$ is not far from $1/2$, so you could start by substituting that for $\hat\theta$.) This is the estimated variance,
$$\widehat{\text{Var}}(\hat\theta) = \frac{\hat\theta(A-\hat\theta)}{n}.$$
Using this initial estimate $\hat\theta$, find an $n$ for which $\widehat{\text{Var}}(\hat\theta) \le 0.0001 = T$. The smallest possible such $n$ is easily found, with a little algebraic manipulation of the preceding formula, to be
$$\hat n = \bigg\lceil\frac{\hat\theta(A - \hat\theta)}{T}\bigg\rceil.$$
Iterating this procedure eventually produces a sample size that will at least approximately meet the variance target. As a practical matter, at each step $\hat n$ should be made sufficiently greater than the previous estimate of $n$ so that eventually a large enough $n$ is guaranteed to be found for which $\widehat{\text{Var}}(\hat\theta)$ is sufficiently small. For instance, if $\hat n$ is less than twice the preceding estimate, use twice the preceding estimate instead.
In the example in the question, because $f$ ranges from $1$ down to $0$ as $x$ goes from $0$ to $1$, we may surround its graph by a box of height $1$ and width $1$, whence $A=1$.
One calculation beginning at $n=10$ first estimated the variance as $2/125$, resulting in a guess $\hat n = 1600$. Using $1600$ new points (I didn't even bother to recycle the original $10$ points) resulted in an updated estimated variance of $0.0001545$, which was still too large. It suggested using $\hat n = 2473$ points. The calculation terminated there with $\hat\theta = 0.4262$ and $\widehat{\text{Var}}(\hat\theta) = 0.00009889$, just less than the target of $0.0001$. The figure shows the random points used at each of these three stages, from left to right, superimposed on plots of the box and the graph of $f$.
Since the true value is $\theta = 0.430764\ldots$, the true variance with $n=2473$ is $\theta(1-\theta)/n = 0.00009915\ldots$. (Another way to express this is to observe that $n=2453$ is the smallest number for which the true variance is less than $0.0001$, so that using the estimated variance in place of the true variance has cost us an extra $20$ sample points.)
In general, when the area under the graph $\theta$ is a sizable fraction of the box area $A$, the estimated variance will not change much when $\theta$ changes, so it's usually the case that the estimated variance is accurate. When $\theta/A$ is small, a better (more efficient) form of Monte-Carlo estimation is advisable.
X = (exp(1)^(-U^2)*(1-U))
: it'll be equal to(1 - U)