While trying to determine power for a Poisson GLMM, I started by checking the probability of rejecting the null for a given parameter when the null is true (parameter is zero). I kept coming up with a rejection rate of approximately $0.1$ where I expected $\alpha = 0.05$. To check if my programming was faulty, I did the same with a binomial GLMM and a Gaussian LMM. Both of these, however, returned the expected percentage of rejections ($5\%$). Thus, I don't think this is a post for Stack Overflow, but maybe others will disagree.
I figured I'd post the code here and see if anyone can tell me why I'm seeing this unexpected result.
First, a function to simulate data with a single independent variable $X$ and the dependent variable $Y$. The data simulate $100$ individuals with $3$ measurements each. $Y$ is defined as a function of the intercept, $bX$, and the group specific intercept ($g$). Though, $b$ is zero, so $X$ doesn't come into play. The function also fits a GLMM to the data and checks/returns whether $b=0$ should be rejected.
simPow.Pois <- function(j=100, i=3, alpha=.05, b=0, tau=1, refRate=.2) {
# refRate is referent group rate (intercept)
# g is group level intercept
g <- rep(rnorm(j, 0, tau), each=i)
# group identifies the groupings of the individuals
group <- rep(1:j, each=3)
# randomly drawn x
x <- round(runif(i*j,-.5,5.499)) # approx uniform discrete 0-5
# DV: a function of intercept, b*x, and group intercept
y <- exp(refRate + b*x + g)
y <- rpois(i*j, y)
# fit the model with one of three options
#ans <- glmer(y ~ x + (1|group), family=poisson)
ans <- glmmPQL(y ~ x, random=~1|group, family=poisson)
#ans <- glmmadmb(y ~ x + (1|group), family = "poisson",link = "log")
# extract z as [fixed effect] / [SE]
z <- abs(fixef(ans) / sqrt(diag(vcov(ans))))
# check if z is too large to believe the null is true
if(2*(1-pnorm(z['x'])) < alpha) {
} else {
The function above returns a 1
if the null hypothesis is rejected, and a 0
I then run the following script to do this many times. Unfortunately, this takes a few minutes to run, so I've limited it to 200 iterations. You can expand that if you doubt the result.
res.pois <- replicate(200,simPow.Pois(b=0))
#[1] 0.105
I appreciate any thoughts on this. Thank you.