
I am using the GPML matlab code found here. I have been using a squared exponential cov function with ARD. I am finding that if I use the minimise function to train the process I get uniform large vales for the output variance. I would expect the variance to be larger where there is no training values, however it is not. Could anyone give me an idea of where I might be going wrong?

I have included my code below:

clear all
close all

z = linspace(0, 40, 101)';

meanfunc = {@meanSum, {@meanLinear, @meanConst}};
covfunc =  @covSEard;
hyp2.cov = [1;0.1];
hyp2.lik = log(0.1);

hyp2 = minimize(hyp2, @gp, -100, @infExact, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x, y);

nlml2 = gp(hyp2, @infExact, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x, y);

[m s2] = gp(hyp2, @infExact, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x, y, z);
f = [m+2*sqrt(s2); flipdim(m-2*sqrt(s2),1)];
fill([z; flipdim(z,1)], f, [7 7 7]/8)
hold on; plot(z, m); %plot(x, y, '+')

I have also included the plots: Firstly with the minimise function being used to optimise hyperparameters enter image description here

And secondly without the minimise function being used:

enter image description here

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ the marginal likelihood surface is nonconvex; try a grid of initializations and you will likely find a nondegenerate hyperparameter configuration. $\endgroup$ Commented May 2, 2023 at 21:15

2 Answers 2


The second one looks badly overfit, it looks like maximising the marginal likelihood favours the idea that the data are best explained as a linear function with lots of noise rather than a noise-free wiggly curve, I'd say it was probably doing the right thing in this case.

A linear model is well specified by that number of data points, so the "epistemic uncertainty" (the uncertainty in specifying the functional form of the model) is low in this case. The "aleatory" uncertainty (the uncertainty due to the noise process contaminating the data, is high. It is the epistemic uncertainty that broadens as you extrapolate away from the data, so in this case as the epistemic uncertainty is low, the error bars are more or less constant.

Try fitting a linear regression model and look at the (quadratic) prediction intervals, they will probably look very similar.

Note in the second image a lot of the data lie outside the error bars, which should be cause for concern.


Have you checked the hyper-parameters after using minimise function?

You might notice that your regression line with minimising nlml is roughly linear, so i guess you simply fall into a crazy local minimum on hyperparameter.

Beside I can't see the point of using ARD cov function since your x is one dimensional.


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