
I have a (lme) mixed model of this type:


I'm interested in estimating the repeatability of the trait I'm modelling (trait1 in this case). I get a point estimate with this code:


But what would be the code to extract confidence interval for R estimate? I read that parametric bootstrapping would be an option here, but I don't really know how to implement it. I have check some recent posts on the topic like this one...

How to calculate estimated proportions and their confidence intervals from a mixed model?

...but I haven't really found the answer to my question.

Any advise would be appreciated


  • $\begingroup$ There is no package to deal with lme repeatability when it includes autocorrelation and variance functions. I tried to make the function myself using the boot function for bootstrapping in order to get the confidence intervals. However, the question here is: does the autocorrelation and variance function remain valid for the new dataset after bootstrapping?? $\endgroup$
    – HFS
    Commented Sep 22, 2021 at 10:49

1 Answer 1


There is no package to deal with lme repeatability when it includes autocorrelation and/or variance functions. I tried to code the function myself using the boot() function for bootstrapping in order to get the confidence intervals.


rsq <- function(formula,cor.b,weights.b,random.b, data,indices) {

    d <- data[indices,] # allows boot to select sample

    fit <- lme(formula, data=d,correlation=cor.b,weights=weights.b,random=random.b)


    var_G <-as.numeric(as.character(VarComps[1,1]))

    var_R <- as.numeric(as.character(VarComps[2,1]))

    var_P <- sum(as.numeric(VarComps [,1]))

    R=var_G / var_P


results <- boot(data=depm3, statistic=rsq, R=2, formula=trait1~tl_s+year+month_s+I(month_s^2)+I(month_s^3), random.b=~1|ID, cor.b=corAR1(form=~tim))

boot.ci(results, type="bca") #to get confidence intervals

Usually, R should be around 1000 but it will take too long to be done.

However, the question here is: does the autocorrelation and variance function remain valid for the new dataset after bootstrapping?


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