So I used stan to take samples from a logit model. I want to compute the posterior predictive distribution of this model, but I am having trouble figureing out the logit link function and how it factors into my code.
As I normally would with a regular OLS model, I use rnorm to simulate draws from the posterior distribution, with the samples times the coefficients as the mean and the standard deviation as the posterior standard deviation of my intercepts (I use a hiearchical model).
Now, when do I concern myself with the link function? Whats odd is that, at this point, my PPD and my actual data on the binary variable is nearly identical. Here's my code.
Xb <- ppd %*% t(posterior_betas)
n <- nrow(joinerdf_just_hostile)
m <- nrow(posterior_betas)
y.rep_dur <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = m)
for (i in 1:m) {
y.rep_dur[, i] <- rnorm(n, Xb, posterior_sigma)
sum(y.rep_dur>1)/sum(y.rep_dur<=1) #my ppd
sum(joinerdf_just_hostile$joiner==1)/(sum(joinerdf_just_hostile<1)) #my actual data
The result of my ppd is: 0.01296358, and the result of my actual data is:0.01273911. almost identical!
Is this just by chance or am I doing this right?