
Kevin Murphy discusses in this book (http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~murphyk/MLbook/index.html) the spike-and-slab model. I am struggling to understand the prior linked to this model. Why, if $\gamma$=0, and we expect w to be zero, is $\delta_0$(w) a reasonable prior? I have trouble making this link, please can someone share their intuition.

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


The sentence there might not be as clearly expressed as it could be (the use of "expect" in particular could be misleading).

If $\gamma_j=0$ it's telling us that we're in the case where $w_j=0$.

That is expressed by putting all the probability at $0$, and that is just what $\delta_0(w_j)$ says (it's a spike of height $1$ at $w_j=0$).


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