The general linear model lets us write an ANOVA model as a regression model. Let's assume we have two groups with two observations each, i.e., four observations in a vector $y$. Then the original, overparametrized model is $E(y) = X^{\star} \beta^{\star}$, where $X^{\star}$ is the matrix of predictors, i.e., dummy-coded indicator variables:
\left(\begin{array}{c}\mu_{1} \\ \mu_{1} \\ \mu_{2} \\ \mu_{2}\end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{ccc}1 & 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 & 1\end{array}\right) \left(\begin{array}{c}\beta_{0}^{\star} \\ \beta_{1}^{\star} \\ \beta_{2}^{\star}\end{array}\right)
The parameters are not identifiable as $((X^{\star})' X^{\star})^{-1} (X^{\star})' E(y)$ because $X^{\star}$ has rank 2 ($(X^{\star})'X^{\star}$ is not invertible). To change that, we introduce the constraint $\beta_{1}^{\star} = 0$ (treatment contrasts), which gives us the new model $E(y) = X \beta$:
\left(\begin{array}{c}\mu_{1} \\ \mu_{1} \\ \mu_{2} \\ \mu_{2}\end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{cc}1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1\end{array}\right) \left(\begin{array}{c}\beta_{0} \\ \beta_{2}\end{array}\right)
So $\mu_{1} = \beta_{0}$, i.e., $\beta_{0}$ takes on the meaning of the expected value from our reference category (group 1). $\mu_{2} = \beta_{0} + \beta_{2}$, i.e., $\beta_{2}$ takes on the meaning of the difference $\mu_{2} - \mu_{1}$ to the reference category. Since with two groups, there is just one parameter associated with the group effect, the ANOVA null hypothesis (all group effect parameters are 0) is the same as the regression weight null hypothesis (the slope parameter is 0).
A $t$-test in the general linear model tests a linear combination $\psi = \sum c_{j} \beta_{j}$ of the parameters against a hypothesized value $\psi_{0}$ under the null hypothesis. Choosing $c = (0, 1)'$, we can thus test the hypothesis that $\beta_{2} = 0$ (the usual test for the slope parameter), i.e. here, $\mu_{2} - \mu_{1} = 0$. The estimator is $\hat{\psi} = \sum c_{j} \hat{\beta}_{j}$, where $\hat{\beta} = (X'X)^{-1} X' y$ are the OLS estimates for the parameters. The general test statistic for such $\psi$ is:
t = \frac{\hat{\psi} - \psi_{0}}{\hat{\sigma} \sqrt{c' (X'X)^{-1} c}}
$\hat{\sigma}^{2} = \|e\|^{2} / (n-\mathrm{Rank}(X))$ is an unbiased estimator for the error variance, where $\|e\|^{2}$ is the sum of the squared residuals. In the case of two groups $\mathrm{Rank}(X) = 2$, $(X'X)^{-1} X' = \left(\begin{smallmatrix}.5 & .5 & 0 & 0 \\-.5 & -.5 & .5 & .5\end{smallmatrix}\right)$, and the estimators thus are $\hat{\beta}_{0} = 0.5 y_{1} + 0.5 y_{2} = M_{1}$ and $\hat{\beta}_{2} = -0.5 y_{1} - 0.5 y_{2} + 0.5 y_{3} + 0.5 y_{4} = M_{2} - M_{1}$. With $c' (X'X)^{-1} c$ being 1 in our case, the test statistic becomes:
t = \frac{M_{2} - M_{1} - 0}{\hat{\sigma}} = \frac{M_{2} - M_{1}}{\sqrt{\|e\|^{2} / (n-2)}}
$t$ is $t$-distributed with $n - \mathrm{Rank}(X)$ df (here $n-2$). When you square $t$, you get $\frac{(M_{2} - M_{1})^{2} / 1}{\|e\|^{2} / (n-2)} = \frac{SS_{b} / df_{b}}{SS_{w} / df_{w}} = F$, the test statistic from the ANOVA $F$-test for two groups ($b$ for between, $w$ for within groups) which follows an $F$-distribution with 1 and $n - \mathrm{Rank}(X)$ df.
With more than two groups, the ANOVA hypothesis (all $\beta_{j}$ are simultaneously 0, with $1 \leq j$) refers to more than one parameter and cannot be expressed as a linear combination $\psi$, so then the tests are not equivalent.