ANOVA is equivalent to linear regression with the use of suitable dummy variables. The conclusions remain the same irrespective of whether you use ANOVA or linear regression.
In light of their equivalence, is there any reason why ANOVA is used instead of linear regression?
Note: I am particularly interested in hearing about technical reasons for the use of ANOVA instead of linear regression.
Here is one example using one-way ANOVA. Suppose, you want to know if the average height of male and females is the same. To test for your hypothesis you would collect data from a random sample of male and females (say 30 each) and perform the ANOVA analysis (i.e., sum of squares for sex and error) to decide whether an effect exists.
You could also use linear regression to test for this as follows:
Define: $\text{Sex} = 1$ if respondent is a male and $0$ otherwise. $$ \text{Height} = \text{Intercept} + \beta * \text{Sex} + \text{error} $$ where: $\text{error}\sim\mathcal N(0,\sigma^2)$
Then a test of whether $\beta = 0$ is a an equivalent test for your hypothesis.