I have run into an error associated with truncating a distribution in JAGS.
In my minimum reproducible example, I have data for 9 observations and would like to find a posterior predictive distribution for the 10th observation. To do this, I include the 10th observation as an NA and estimate its posterior predictive distribution as the variable pi10
jagsdata <- data.frame(Y = c(47, 126, 68, 43, 67, 80, 61, 9, 26, NA))
model.string <- "
for (k in 1:10){
Y[k] ~ dlnorm(Z[k], tau.sp[k])
tau.sp[k] ~ dgamma(0.01,0.01)
Z[k] <- beta.o + beta.sp[k]
for (g in 1:10) {
beta.sp[g] ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001)
beta.o ~ dgamma (2, 0.04)
pi10 <- Y[10]
writeLines(model.string, con = 'jagstest.bug')
j.model <- jags.model(file = "jagstest.bug",
data = jagsdata,
n.adapt = 500,
n.chains = 4)
mcmc.object <- coda.samples(model = j.model,
variable.names = c('pi10'),
n.iter = 5000)
This works, but I would like to truncated the distribution of Y, for example by using the T(1,200)
. However replacing line 4 above with
Y[k] ~ dlnorm(Z[k], tau.sp[k])T(1,200)
gives the error:
Unobserved node inconsistent with unobserved parents at initialization
Although Y with a normal distribution does not give an error.
Y[k] ~ dnorm(Z[k], tau.sp[k])T(1,200)
I have read through the JAGS manual section 7 and some examples online, but it is not clear to me how to implement this or why I am getting this error.
Suggestions appreciated.