What is the importance of the distinction between linear and non-linear models? The question Nonlinear vs. generalized linear model: How do you refer to logistic, Poisson, etc. regression? and its answer was an extremely helpful clarification of the linearity/non-linearity of generalized linear models. It seems critically important to distinguish linear from non-linear models, but it is not clear to me why? For example, consider these regression models:
\begin{align} E[Y \mid X] & = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X \tag{1} \\ E[Y \mid X] & = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X + \beta_2 X^2 \tag{2} \\ E[Y \mid X] & = \beta_0 + \beta_1^2 X \tag{3} \\ E[Y \mid X] & = \{1+\exp(-[ \beta_0 + \beta_1 X]\}^{-1} \tag{4} \end{align}
Both Models 1 and 2 are linear, and the solutions to $\beta$ exist in closed form, easily found using a standard OLS estimator. Not so for Models 3 and 4, which are nonlinear because (some of) the derivatives of $E[Y\mid X]$ wrt $\beta$ are still functions of $\beta$.
One simple solution to estimate $\beta_1$ in Model 3 is to linearize the model by setting $\gamma = \beta_1^2$, estimate $\gamma$ using a linear model, and then compute $\beta_1 = \sqrt{\gamma}$.
To estimate the parameters in Model 4, we can assume $Y$ follows a binomial distribution (member of the exponential family), and, using the fact that the logistic form of the model is the canonical link, linearize the r.h.s. of the model. This was Nelder and Wedderburn's seminal contribution.
But why is this non-linearity a problem in the first place? Why can one not simply use some iterative algorithm to solve Model 3 without linearizing using the square root function, or Model 4 without invoking GLMs. I suspect that prior to widespread computational power, statisticians were trying to linearize everything. If true, then perhaps the "problems" introduced by nonlinearity are a remnant of the past? Are the complications introduced by non-linear models merely computational, or are there some other theoretical issues that make non-linear models more challenging to fit to data than linear models?