(sorry, this is not a full fledged answer but just my thoughts about it in the hope to let the discussion start again)
I am going through the same issue right now.
I think what Efissi means with "is the sd of $\delta$ correct?" is exactly what @dsaxton commented, i.e., if the estimates and the confidence intervals of the coefficients calculated via the two-stage model are the same (up to some reparametrization) as in the one-stage model.
My personal view is yes, as long as $X$ and $Z$ are independent from each other. The reason is, if you imagine your data as a cloud in a multidimensional space and you do a (univariate) OLS linear regression w.r.t. $X$, you are projecting the data to the (unidimensional) subspace $X$, but you are not applying any transformation in the rest of the hyperplane. Thus any relationship to any other covariates should remain unchanged.
Mathematically, substituting the model for $u_i$ in the model for $y_i$:
&= \alpha + \beta X_i + u_i =\\
&= \alpha + \beta X_i + (\gamma + \delta Z_i + v_i) =\\
&= (\alpha + \gamma) + \beta X_i + \delta Z_i + v_i
thus, in particular, the $\delta$ should have the same properties in the two-stage model as well as in the one-stage model $Y \sim X + Z$.
Does it make sense or am I missing something? In particular, is the independence condition necessary?
A short check with real data:
dat <- mtcars
> lm1 <- lm(mpg ~ hp + qsec, data=dat)
> summary(lm1)$coef
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 48.32370517 11.10330633 4.352191 1.526469e-04
hp -0.08459304 0.01393281 -6.071497 1.309333e-06
qsec -0.88657962 0.53458538 -1.658443 1.080072e-01
> lm2a <- lm(mpg ~ hp, data=dat)
> summary(lm2a)$coef
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 30.09886054 1.6339210 18.421246 6.642736e-18
hp -0.06822828 0.0101193 -6.742389 1.787835e-07
> lm2b <- lm(lm2a$residuals ~ dat$qsec)
> summary(lm2b)$coef
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 7.8871608 6.8116279 1.157897 0.2560418
dat$qsec -0.4418887 0.3797911 -1.163505 0.253795
For comparison:
> summary(lm(hp ~ qsec, data=dat))$coef
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 631.70375 88.699525 7.121839 6.382739e-08
qsec -27.17368 4.945556 -5.494565 5.766253e-06
> summary(lm(qsec ~ hp, data=dat))$coef
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 20.55635402 0.542424287 37.897186 6.728254e-27
hp -0.01845831 0.003359377 -5.494565 5.766253e-06
Nevertheless, a simulation with artificially created independent $X$ and $Z$ delivered exactly the same values in the two models. Thus, the difference of estimates could be interpreted as some measure of dependence or correlation between the covariates, but honestly I don't know how to quantify and/or use it.