My data set includes 435 randomly sampled cases; on the DV 406 participants report "no likelihood" of the DV (one score) and 29 participants indicated "some likelihood" of the DV (range: 10 points). Non-parametric tests (chi squared tests) have already been performed on the data between genders related to our IVs.
I am interested in using 5 IVs to predict the presence of the DV (between genders, if possible); however, the sample and residuals are non-normally distributed, and log and square root transformations have not changed the distribution in any meaningful way. I've considered bootstrapping, logistic regression for rare events (the event occurs at a rate in our sample of 6.4%) and case-control design, though I've looked into none extensively.
It may be that multiple regression is possible with this data set (I have tested multicollinearity and it is not an issue), but I am not sure and need assurance. I am a novice and I would appreciate any leads on what types of analyses that will predict the DV.