I have some data from a survey. In one question of the survey, participants were asked to choose one of nine objects from a given list. They then answered several "yes" and "no" questions about that object they chose.
I want to be able to create a kind of "profile" for each of the nine objects by using the top 20% or so of questions the participants answered "yes" to for that object.
So for example, let's say one of the nine objects is a dog. I want to look at all participants who chose the dog and look at the questions for which majority of them answered "yes." So let's say one of the questions was "Do you think a dog is loyal?" and this is the question to which most people answered "yes." So I could conclude that most people think dogs are loyal.
How would I go about seeing the top agreed-upon questions for each of the nine objects? Note that each participant only rates one of the nine objects but answers all the same questions. I heard that factor analysis might be used in this case, but I am not sure I understand it.
Also, I am using SPSS for analysis, if that is helpful.