I need to implement Pearson's chi-squared test to test random variates. But I get very different results using different sequence length,degrees of freedom or even seeds. Only a few times sequences pass the test (for demonstration purposes tests are on scipy's generators, not custom). Is my implementation wrong or is it the behaviour of chi-squared test? It looks quite strange that I often fail tests for scipy's functions (and custom too), and the effect by changing seed suprises me too.
Added: (clarifying this for people who don't read Python)
Some examples of my implementation output:
For normal distribution generated by scipy with mean 10 and scale Chi2 statistic is 1.48554564247, when critical value is 1.14547622606 (significance alpha=0.05, degrees of freedom = 5, sample size = 200000)
For poisson distribution generated by scipy with mean 10 Chi2 statistic is 3.08213050263, while critical value is 1.14547622606 (significance alpha=0.05, degrees of freedom = 5, sample size = 100000)
And I also tried with a much smaller sample size = 2000:
For poisson distribution generated by scipy with mean 10 Chi2 statistic is 24.5618663076 while critical value is 11.5913052088 (significance alpha=0.05, degrees of freedom = 21)
For n degrees of freedom bins are selected in form of 2 bins (-Infinity;min observed value), (max observed value;+Infinity) and n-2 equal intervals beetween previous two intervals.
UPDATE: Know I think that I make decision to reject using wrong values. F.e. if I have a significance value alpha = 0.05, should I use chi2 percent point function with arguments of alpha and dof or 1-alpha and dof? I think I was mislead by russian Wikipedia page notation
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import chi2
from scipy.stats import chisquare
def getBins(xmin,xmax,n_bins):
r = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,num=n_bins+1,endpoint = True)
r = r+10**(-10) # including rightmost
r[0]=r[0]-2*10**(-10) # excluding xmin from (-Inf;xmin] bin
return np.concatenate((np.array([float('-inf')]), r, np.array([float('inf')])))
# Calculates probabilities for each bin (a,b] within given cumulative distribution function
def piCalcDecoratorNew(bins, *args):
def real_piCalcDecorator(cdfFunc):
def piCalc(*args):
piA = np.zeros(len(bins)-1)
if len(args)==1:
args = args[0]
piA[0] =cdfFunc(bins[1],args)
piA[-1] =1-cdfFunc(bins[-2],args)
for i in range(1,len(bins)-2):
else: #number of params >1
piA[0] =cdfFunc(bins[1],*args)
piA[-1] =1-cdfFunc(bins[-2],*args)
for i in range(1,len(bins)-2):
return piA
return piCalc
return real_piCalcDecorator
# similar to scipy's chisquare()
def chi2statistic(obs = np.array([16, 18, 16, 14, 12, 12], dtype='float'), exp = np.array([16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 8],dtype='float')):
temp = np.square(obs-exp,dtype='float')
with np.errstate(divide='ignore',invalid='ignore'):
temp = temp / exp
temp[exp == 0] = 0
return sum(temp)
# like return chisquare(obs,exp)
def chi2test(df,x, alpha,cdfFunc,*args):
N = len(x)
xmin = min(x)
xmax = max(x)
bins = getBins(xmin,xmax,df-2)
print "Bins for histogram are "
print bins
piCalc = piCalcDecoratorNew(bins,*args)(cdfFunc)
piks = piCalc(*args)
print "Expected probability to be in a bin"
print piks
a = piks*float(N)
b = np.histogram(x,bins)[0]
print "Observed probabilities for bins"
print b/float(N)
print "Chi2 statistic is {0}".format(chi2statistic(b,a))
print "Critical value is {0}".format(chi2.ppf(alpha,df))
return (chi2statistic(b,a),chi2.ppf(alpha,df))
And here's some of my tests and outputs:
# Testing on scipy's norm
from scipy.stats import norm
alpha = 0.05
test_sequence = norm.rvs(loc=10.0, scale=2.0, size=100000, random_state=42)
print chi2test(5,test_sequence,alpha,norm.cdf,10.0,2.0)
Bins for histogram are
[ -inf 1.06879227 7.03191768 12.99504309 18.9581685
Expected probability to be in a bin
[ 3.99216127e-06 6.88950087e-02 8.63972197e-01 6.71250536e-02
Observed probabilities for bins
[ 0. 0.06836 0.86407 0.06757 0. ]
Chi2 statistic is 1.48554564247
Critical value is 1.14547622606
(1.4855456424733853, 1.1454762260617695)
# Testing on scipy's poisson
from scipy.stats import poisson
alpha = 0.05
test_sequence = poisson.rvs(mu=10, size=100000, random_state=42)
print chi2test(5,test_sequence,alpha,poisson.cdf,10.0)
Bins for histogram are
[ -inf -1.00000000e-10 9.00000000e+00 1.80000000e+01
2.70000000e+01 inf]
Expected probability to be in a bin
[ 0.00000000e+00 4.57929714e-01 5.34883781e-01 7.18425107e-03
Observed probabilities for bins
[ 0. 0.45658 0.53583 0.00759 0. ]
Chi2 statistic is 3.08213050263
Critical value is 1.14547622606
(3.0821305026304886, 1.1454762260617695)
# Testing on scipy's poisson with other parameters
from scipy.stats import poisson
alpha = 0.05
test_sequence = poisson.rvs(mu=10, size=300000, random_state=42)
print chi2test(max(test_sequence),test_sequence,alpha,poisson.cdf,10.0)
Bins for histogram are
[ -inf -1.00000000e-10 1.08000000e+00 2.16000000e+00
3.24000000e+00 4.32000000e+00 5.40000000e+00 6.48000000e+00
7.56000000e+00 8.64000000e+00 9.72000000e+00 1.08000000e+01
1.18800000e+01 1.29600000e+01 1.40400000e+01 1.51200000e+01
1.62000000e+01 1.72800000e+01 1.83600000e+01 1.94400000e+01
2.05200000e+01 2.16000000e+01 2.26800000e+01 2.37600000e+01
2.48400000e+01 2.59200000e+01 2.70000000e+01 inf]
Expected probability to be in a bin
[ 0.00000000e+00 4.99399227e-04 2.26999649e-03 7.56665496e-03
1.89166374e-02 3.78332748e-02 6.30554580e-02 9.00792257e-02
1.12599032e-01 1.25110036e-01 1.25110036e-01 1.13736396e-01
9.47803301e-02 1.24985051e-01 3.47180696e-02 2.16987935e-02
1.27639962e-02 7.09110899e-03 3.73216263e-03 1.86608131e-03
8.88610150e-04 4.03913704e-04 1.75614654e-04 7.31727725e-05
2.92691090e-05 1.54267384e-05 2.25353405e-06]
Observed probabilities for bins
[ 0.00000000e+00 5.03333333e-04 2.24000000e-03 7.73666667e-03
1.89433333e-02 3.75066667e-02 6.30300000e-02 9.04766667e-02
1.13150000e-01 1.24163333e-01 1.25440000e-01 1.13123333e-01
9.52500000e-02 1.25460000e-01 3.40800000e-02 2.17266667e-02
1.27300000e-02 7.00333333e-03 3.82000000e-03 1.97000000e-03
9.30000000e-04 4.46666667e-04 1.56666667e-04 6.00000000e-05
4.33333333e-05 1.00000000e-05 0.00000000e+00]
Chi2 statistic is 20.8855527231
Critical value is 16.1513958497
(20.885552723131507, 16.151395849664102)