I do have a 2 level data set with 3 observations nested in one person. I am fitting a mixed model including 71 predictors and 28 random slopes in the following manner:
model = lmer(var1 ~ a + b + c + (1|PersID) + (0+a|PersID) + (0+b|PersID) + (0+c|PersID)
I am using the step() function of the lmerTest package to do backwards elimination of random and fixed effects of the model and get the following model:
Linear mixed model fit by REML
t-tests use Satterthwaite approximations to degrees of freedom ['merModLmerTest']
Formula: Fufaksc1 ~ MusZ + HauZ + ArbZ + SpoZ + AusZ + TraZ + AAYYZ +
AMYZ + AMSZ + TNAZ + AuZ + MusM + HauM + EmoM + SpoM + TraM +
AMNM + WSM + AuM + SAE + Ex + RE + So + UC + (1 | PersID) +
(0 + HauZ | PersID) + (0 + SpoZ | PersID) + (0 + VaZ | PersID) + (0 + AuZ | PersID) Data: Sitsort2
REML criterion at convergence: 2703.1
Scaled residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-3.6274 -0.4721 0.0070 0.4884 4.1122
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
PersID (Intercept) 0.259072 0.50899
PersID.1 HauZ 0.088366 0.29726
PersID.2 SpoZ 0.285073 0.53392
PersID.3 VaZ 0.008581 0.09263
PersID.4 AuZ 0.008177 0.09043
Residual 0.209756 0.45799
Number of obs: 1300, groups: PersID, 555
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -1.00698 0.19540 515.50000 -5.154 3.65e-07 ***
MusZ 0.55662 0.07930 627.30000 7.019 5.80e-12 ***
HauZ -0.26976 0.06780 456.30000 -3.979 8.06e-05 ***
ArbZ 0.30543 0.07223 704.20000 4.229 2.66e-05 ***
SpoZ -0.45474 0.09816 130.70000 -4.633 8.62e-06 ***
AusZ 0.17835 0.08102 653.20000 2.201 0.028067 *
TraZ -0.10944 0.05563 648.90000 -1.967 0.049574 *
AAYYZ -0.20878 0.05301 769.00000 -3.939 8.93e-05 ***
AMYZ 0.10063 0.04699 767.70000 2.141 0.032550 *
AMSZ 0.80907 0.16299 501.90000 4.964 9.49e-07 ***
TNAZ -0.09069 0.04457 719.90000 -2.035 0.042261 *
AuZ 0.06479 0.01266 455.80000 5.118 4.57e-07 ***
MusM 0.49393 0.18577 522.40000 2.659 0.008082 **
HauM -0.47557 0.14806 517.50000 -3.212 0.001401 **
EmoM -0.63551 0.30854 490.60000 -2.060 0.039950 *
SpoM -0.88607 0.20915 519.20000 -4.236 2.69e-05 ***
TraM -0.35308 0.14697 513.00000 -2.402 0.016645 *
AMNM -0.41692 0.20316 530.50000 -2.052 0.040644 *
WSM 0.04994 0.01685 530.80000 2.964 0.003172 **
AuM 0.09425 0.02577 527.50000 3.657 0.000281 ***
SAE 0.15065 0.02430 515.10000 6.198 1.17e-09 ***
Ex -0.05206 0.02576 519.20000 -2.021 0.043836 *
RE 0.07022 0.02686 514.70000 2.614 0.009201 **
So 0.09297 0.02611 523.20000 3.561 0.000404 ***
UC -0.11635 0.02710 510.80000 -4.293 2.11e-05 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
The model contains 5 significant random effects including the intercept. The only thing I do not understand is why there is a significant random effect for VaZ but no significant fixed effect for VaZ included in the model. As far as I understand this it would only make sense if the fixed effect would be exact 0 (which is realisticly impossible). From my point of view it does not make sense to include a random effect without an equivalent fixed effect. Can anyone explain this to me or is it a bug in the step() function?
Thanks in advance!