Out of the following, which tests are best to use on uniformed data to make sure it is indeed dispersed
- $\chi^2$
- Simple NNA
- High/Low clustering (Getis - ord)
- KNN (Ripley)
- Moran
- Monte Carlo
$\chi^2$ is the standard test for discrete data.
You might be interested in reading this question: Verifying that a random generator outputs a uniform distribution
The answer to "what the 'best' test of a hypothesis" depends on what the alternative hypothesis is. It also depends on what you really mean by 'best'; usually people mean 'most powerful'.
I would conjecture that even if the alternative hypothesis were clearly specified, determining which of the several tests for CSR is most powerful would be challenging. Simulation techniques might possibly help.
A general comment: This question and the many others that you have asked in this forum indicate that you are WAY out of your depth, or trying to run before you can walk, or some other metaphor. Your questions are mostly mis-directed and indicate conceptual confusion and mis-understanding. Instead of continuing to bark up the wrong tree I would suggest that you undertake a serious learning exercise about spatial point processes.
There are a number of books that you might find useful, but the one that I would (of course! :-) ) recommend is "Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications in R" by Adrian Baddeley, Ege Rubak & Rolf Turner. It is published by Chapman & Hall/CRC. See http://spatstat.github.io/ for useful pointers.
Except in very simple situations, there is no 'best' test of a hypothesis.
The $\chi^2$ test may be 'standard' because it is relatively simple to use, but it is sub-optimal in many contexts - including the context of testing for uniformity based on quadrat counts. It is outperformed by the Likelihood Ratio Test, for example.
See Chapter 10 of the spatstat book
Your assertion "it is not much about what H1 is, but about which test would provide the overall result to identify uniform data" makes no sense at all to me. I think it indicates that you really don't understand hypothesis testing. Anyway "provide the overall result to identify uniform data" is a meaningless expression.
BTW your question seems (it's hard to tell) to imply that you think that the cells data are uniformly distributed!!! Far from it. They are way too evenly spaced to be uniform in distribution. Just about any test would reject the null hypothesis of uniformity at any of the usual significance levels. The intra-occular test in particular is completely convincing.