Many randomized controlled trials in economics (and probably other sciences as well?) use regressions to analyze data obtained from experiments. In the simplest setup with binary treatment, assuming a constant treatment effect, a typical regression equation would look like:
$$y_i = \alpha + \beta T_i + Z_i\theta_Z + \varepsilon_i,$$
where $T_i$ is a dummy indication treatment vs. placebo and $Z_i$ is a vector of control variables holding all kinds of information, which the researcher expects to predict the outcome. By design (randomization) $T_i$ is uncorrelated with $Z_i$. The treatment effect estimate is then simply the coefficient estimate of $\beta$, $\hat\beta$.
How can the use of this be justified above a simple test of difference in means between the two groups? This would correspond to estimating $\beta$ in a regression without controls: $$y_i = \alpha + \beta T_i + \varepsilon_i$$
Is it increasing the precision of the estimate?
A research is interested in getting the most precise estimate for the average treatment effect. I.e. (s)he might be using controls to improve/lower $V(\hat\beta)$. When does that work?
Let $\theta = (\beta,\alpha,\theta_Z')'$, $X_i = (T_i, 1,Z_i')$, and let $X$ be a matrix stacking all the $X_i$. Then a regression equation in matrix notation with controls would be: $$Y=X\theta+\varepsilon$$ Now, the variance of the OLS estimate for $\theta$ is $\hat\theta=(X'X)^{-1}X'Y$. The variance of this decomposes to: $$V(\hat\theta)=E[(X'X)^{-1}X'V[\varepsilon|X]X(X'X)^{-1}]$$ If we assume homoscedasticity $V[\varepsilon|X]=\sigma^2I$, this becomes: $$V(\hat\theta)=\sigma^2E[(X'X)^{-1}]$$
The variance of my treatment effect estimate, $V(\hat\beta)$ is now the first element in $V(\hat\theta)$
Now I guess one possible goal would be to minimize this (and thereby minimize MSE). But it is not obvious to me when this would lead to the use of covariates $Z_i$. More precisely, the use of covariates could do both, increase and decrease the variance of $\hat\beta$. Is it possible to derive conditions for this?