I examine the relation of written language of investors and investment performance of investors.
Dep. variable -> investment success; binary (1/0) (Acquisition/no Acquisition) (N = 28/22)
Ind. variables -> many language measures; in percent of total language
First step should be to find language variables that might relate to investment success.
I want to perform either a two sample t-test or a Mann-Whitney U-test of a lot of linguistic measures to compare the samples of successful and not successful investments.
Now the question is which test to choose, because...
t-test might be problematic, because the two samples mostly aren't normally distributed. My professor told me not to transform the measures when comparing the two samples.
Mann-Whitney might be problematic, because I subsequently want to deepen the analysis and perform correlations and logistic regression. Because of the small sample size I was advised to run a OLS regression to double check my results from the logistic regression.
Let me summarize my problem:
Is the Mann-Whitney enough when I want to do other analyses later on?
Wouldn't it make more sense to perform t-tests, because I have to perform an OLS regression at a later stage?