I have states A, B, C, I have developed both a 1st and 2nd Order Markov Chain for them.
Each state represents a status that an individual can be in, and the transitions represents the probability of them moving to a different status in the next 3 months (the problem explained below is also the same when I look at a 6 month window).
When developing my 2nd-order, the transition probability BA is 0: ($P(x_t = A | x_{t-1} = B) = 0 $)
So it looks something like this:
A p11 p12 p13
B 0 p22 p23
C p31 p32 p33
Consequently, transition probabilities BAA, BAB, BAC for the 2nd-order chain all end up giving me NA values since I am dividing 0 by 0; since nobody moves from status B to A at the first time step, logically nobody moves from status A to anywhere else in the second time step (given that they started in status B).
The second order looks something like this:
AA p11 p12 p13
AB p21 p22 p23
AC p31 p32 p33
BB p51 p52 p53
BC p61 p62 p63
CA p71 p72 p73
CB p81 p82 p83
CC p91 p92 p93
So what do I do with these NA values? Do I replace them with the transition probabilities from the 1st-order? Do I replace them with 0?
Note: p11
is a probability.