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Questions tagged [transition-matrix]

A transition matrix is a square matrix used to describe the transitions of a Markov chain.

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Estimating markov transition matrix using total elevator "ups" and "downs" by floor

I have data on elevator presses and I am hoping to use them to estimate a Markov transition matrix, so I can ultimately estimate how frequently people go to different floors. For each floor from 1-4, ...
Jon Spring's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Particle Marginal Metropolis Hastings to estimate the transition matrix and input?

A state space model is defined as: $$x_{t+1} = A_tx_t + B_tu_t$$ $$y_{t+1} = H_tx_{t+1}$$ So my question is: is it possible to use Particle Marginal Metropolis Hastings to estimate the transition ...
William Zhao's user avatar
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Sum of powers (geometric series) of state transition matrix

I am working discrete time Markov chain analysis for some large state transition graph. I want to find the rewards/cost to reach from the init state to the terminal/accepting states. I have the state ...
JackDaniels's user avatar
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Which variable is best suited for edge weights when computing graph algorithms instead of relative risks?

I am currently trying to develop graph data. Which variable is best suited for edge weights when computing graph algorithms? Relative risk Relative Risk: Many networks in my field use relative risks ...
user1190107's user avatar
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msm package: Mutlti state model initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite

I am new to msm package and markov models. I have a randomized trial dataset with readings from three time points: baseline, at 1 year, and at 2 year. I am trying to calculate annual transition ...
spri0330's user avatar
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How to understand the definition of Markov Chain $P(X_{n+1}\in B\mid \mathcal{F}_n)=p(X_n,B)$?

The definition of Markov Chain in Durrett (Probability: Theory and Examples, 2019, Section 5.2) is: $$P(X_{n+1}\in B\mid \mathcal{F}_n)=p(X_n,B), $$ where $p$ is the Markov transition kernel ...
dodo's user avatar
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Smoothing a transition matrix

I have a dataset containing observations at time t and t+1 of ratings A (best) to E (worst) and Default. I want to use transition matrices to predict future ratings t+2, t+3, etc The transition matrix ...
Lucy Edwards's user avatar
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statistical comparison of two markov chain transition matrices

I'm working on a time-dependent dataset, where basically I have two different populations and we're building Markov chains to describe their behaviors. What I'm trying to do is compare the transition ...
Greg Markowsky's user avatar
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How could I estimate a transition probability matrix that varies over time?

I have multiple Markov chains with twelve states. I want to estimate a transition probability matrix for each time point (except for the last time point) that can vary over time using all Markov ...
Captain Ahab's user avatar
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In Markov process, how to solve $P(X_n=1)$

Let $X_n$ is Markov chain for $n\geq 0$ and state space is $E=\{1,2,3\}$. One-step transition probability matrix is $$ \left[ \begin{matrix} p_{11}& p_{12}& p_{13}\\ p_{21}& p_{22}&...
Zeta's user avatar
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Estimating Markov chain transition probabilities from data

In a discrete time and space Markov chain, I know the formula to estimate the transition probabilities $$p_{ij} = \frac{n_{ij}}{\sum_{j \in S} n_{ij}}$$ I'm not sure however how you can find this is ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Markov chain: inferring transition rates from equilibrium

I feel like I have been having a very dumb week trying to solve/research this problem and that I am missing an easy solution or that it is not possible. Given an equilibrium distribution (say from a ...
markovian's user avatar
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How to prove a sequence of random variables dependent on different random variables is a homogeneous Markov chain?

In Pierre Brémaud's book, Markov Chains - Gibbs Fields, Monte Carlo Simulation and Queues, exercise 2.6.9 is stated as follows: Let $\{Z_n\}_{n \geq 1}$ be an IID sequence of geometric random ...
Hugo's user avatar
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Coin flipping (Markov chain)

Suppose that coin 1 has probability 0.7 of coming up heads, and coin 2 has probability 0.6 of coming up heads. If the coin flipped today comes up heads, then we select coin 1 to flip tomorrow, and if ...
Win_odd Dhamnekar's user avatar
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How to decide $X_n, n \in [0,\infty)$ is a Markov chain and how to compute transition probability matrix?

Three white and three black balls are distributed in two urns in such a way that each contains three balls. We say that the system is in state i, i = 0, 1, 2, 3, if the first urn contains i white ...
Win_odd Dhamnekar's user avatar
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Is this transition probability matrix correct?

A pensioner receives 2 (thousand dollars) at the beginning of each month. The amount of money he needs to spend during a month is independent of the amount he has and is equal to i with probability $...
Win_odd Dhamnekar's user avatar
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How to map a sequence to a transition matrix

I have the following transition matrices, one for Maria and one for Anna: ...
quant's user avatar
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What are the transition functions for RNNs

From what I understand, the hidden states of RNNs are equivalent to the deterministic probability distribution over hidden states in for example a Hidden Markov Model. Thus, just as probabilistic ...
math189925's user avatar
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R CODE Transition Matrix having zeroes for some transitions

I have been trying to create a Transition Matrix using the data from 2000 entities over 40 observations (Years). I have ranked the data into percentiles, for example the highest value entity in a ...
Hermann Josef's user avatar
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Estimating transition probabilities of a Markov chain with bayesian approach

I am trying to model heteroskedasticity in time series data,and the volatility $\left(\sigma_{t}\right)$ is taken as a Markov chain with two values $\sigma_{h}>\sigma_{l}>0$ with transition ...
Mrnobody's user avatar
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Approximating a countable-state (infinite) Markov model with a finite-state one

TL;DR—in a nutshell I have a countable-state Markov model (with a countably infinite number of states) in which the probability of transitioning to states $S_{i>k}$ for large $k$s are practically ...
psyguy's user avatar
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R MSM: unexpected identical transition rate matrices for different values of covariate; why?

I am fitting a continuous-time Markov model to a panel dataset using the R package MSM. Because I am interested in sex-differences in transition rates, I fit the ...
Stijn's user avatar
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Estimating transition probability from a state to itself with the MSM package

For a given panel dataset I have used the MSM package to estimate transition probabilities between states. Using the pnext.msm function I can obtain the ...
Stijn's user avatar
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Transition Matrix for a non-trivial example

So I've just been introduced to Transition Matrices; and I was wondering what one for look like the following example: "Symmetric random walk on the integers" $S$ $=$ $\mathbb{Z}$, $\forall$ ...
Sam Connell's user avatar
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"Forcing" equal probabilities in the matrix exponential of a Markov intensity matrix

I have an upper-right triangular transition intensity matrix $Q$ for a 7-state Markov model (with states $X_1,X_2,...,X_7$), from which I numerically calculate the matrix exponential to derive a ...
Rich Pollock's user avatar
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How to generate a realization from a transition matrix?

Consider a Markov chain of 4 states described by the transition matrix, $$ T_{ij} = \begin{bmatrix} 0.40 & 0.56 & 0.03 & 0.01\\ 0.45 & 0.51 & 0.04 & 0.00\\ 0.25 & 0.25 &...
Advaita's user avatar
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Probability of doing a specific Path in a Markov Chain

My problem is the following: I have this graph, representing a Markov Chain: For example, if I am in state 1, the probability of going in state 2 or 4 is $\frac{1}{2}$. So I'm saying that the ...
docdev's user avatar
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How to derive transition matrix in this stochastic process?

I am new to stochastic processes and trying to solve a question related to finding a transition matrix of some experiment. The question is a A sequence of experiments is performed, in each of which ...
Maria's user avatar
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Why doesn’t two ways of calculating stationary distribution result in the same answer?

I use matpow=function(M,n){ ans=M for(i in 1:(n-1)){ ans=ans%*%M } ans } to set the matpow function. then I enter the transition matrix ...
merry123's user avatar
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Number of states in HMM

I am testing a HMM model by generating data from a 3x3 transition matrix and 3x4 emission matrix and then trying to train a HMM model against this data with different initializations. When I plot the ...
lajisam's user avatar
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How to maximize the steady state transition probability for a state in a Markov chain by altering that state's outgoing transition probabilities?

Let's say we have a transition matrix of which can be solved to come up with steady state transition probabilities of Alpha: 34.9% Beta: 24.0% Gamma: 16.9% Delta: 24.2% Now, imagine Alpha, Beta, ...
Rob Goldstone's user avatar
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Simulate discrete state space CTMC from generator matrix

Consider a generator matrix $Q\in\mathbb{R}^{h\times h}$ for a discrete state space $\{1,...,h\}$. I want to determine the probability of a single transition of a stochastic process $X(t)$ with $X(0)=...
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How to calculate the probability Matrix (Alpha) for Regular Markov chains

Pardon me for being a novice here. In the image attached, eq 3.1 represents the transition matrix (it's pretty clear). I am not able to comprehend the eq 3.2, alpha*P = alpha, as well as the further ...
Mritunjay Kumar's user avatar
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$\pi_i P^n_{i, j} =$ long-run proportion of time the chain is in $i$ and will be in $j$ after $n$ transitions?

I am currently studying the textbook Introduction to Probability Models by Sheldon M. Ross. Chapter 4.4 Long-Run Proportions and Limiting Probabilities says the following: Because $\pi_i$ is the long-...
The Pointer's user avatar
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generate a realization from a transition matrix

Consider a markov chain of 4 states $\{S_1, S_2, S_3, S_4\}$ described by the transition matrix $$ A = \begin{bmatrix} .25 & .20 & .25 & .30 \\ .20 & .30 & .25 & .30 \\ ....
mikeck's user avatar
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Calculating limit law for matrix

I my notes on Markov chains, I am presented with the following matrix: $$\mathcal{P} = \begin{bmatrix} 0.97 & 0.03 & 0 & 0 \\ 0.008 & 0.982 & 0.01 & 0 \\ 0.02 & 0 & 0....
The Pointer's user avatar
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Example where unique stationary law, which is an occupation law, but no limit law exists

I am currently learning about the balance equations, mass equation, limit law, occupation law and stationary law in Markov models. The following example is presented: Example 2: $$\mathcal{P} = \...
The Pointer's user avatar
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Computation of balance equation example in Markov model

I am studying some examples of balance equations for Markov models. I am presented with the following example: $$\mathcal{P} = \begin{bmatrix} 0.2 & 0.3 & 0.5 \\ 0.1 & 0 & 0.9 \\ 0.55 ...
The Pointer's user avatar
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Markov models and occupation time

I'm presented with the following explanation and proof: Let $(X_n)$ be a Markov chain, and fix a state $j \in S$. Define indicator variables: For $n = 0, 1, \dots$, let $$I_n(j) = \begin{cases} 1 &...
The Pointer's user avatar
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Calculating 7-step transition matrix for example

In my notes on Markov processes, I am presented with two related examples: Example 1: Classify daily weather for some region as Sunny (state $1$), Cloudy (state $2$), or rainy (state $3$). ...
The Pointer's user avatar
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Proof that the $n$-step transition matrix is the $n$th power of $\mathcal{P}$

I am presented with the following theorem in the context of Markov chains and stochastic systems: The $n$-step transition matrix is the $n$th power of $\mathcal{P}$: $$\mathcal{P}^{(n)} = P^n.$$ And ...
The Pointer's user avatar
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Transition probability matrix

A gambler tosses a coin and a tetrahedron at each stage. If $H$, he receives the amount appearing at the face of the tetrahedron. If $T$, he pays the amount. The tetrahedron is fair, but probability ...
user530299's user avatar
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Find transition probability matrix

A box contains 3 balls. Each is either white or red. The game is to draw a ball from each period. If red is drawn, a white is replaced. But if white is drawn, all the balls in the box is replaced by ...
user530299's user avatar
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Number of stationary distributions of a Markov chain

How do i determine the number of stationary distributions that a Markov chain has if it is not irreducible or regular. The transition matrix is ...
caston1414's user avatar
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Estimating model for transition probabilities of a Markov Chain

Suppose that I have a Markov chain with $S$ states evolving over time. I have $S^2\times T$ values of the transition matrix, where $T$ is the number of time periods. I also have $K$ matrices $X$ of $T\...
DanielTheRocketMan's user avatar
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How to show that the transition probability is equal to $\overline p_{ij} = \frac{P_{ij}}{\sum_{k\neq i}p_{ik}}$

(No new answers needed) I would like to award @whuber for his good answer with my bounty! Suppose that $(X_n)_{n≥0}$ is Markov$(λ, P)$ but that we only observe the process when it moves to a new ...
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Rows and columns of the one-step transition probability matrix

I am currently studying the textbook Introduction to Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems, Second Edition, by V. G. Kulkarni. In a section on discrete-time Markov chains, the author introduces ...
The Pointer's user avatar
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Singular state transition probability matrix in David Silver's UCL Lesson 2

I'm studying David Silver's second lesson on reinforcement learning: and the state transition ...
Ricardo Alberto's user avatar
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Specifying a multi-state model with unobservable terminal state

Suppose there is a multi-state process with three states, listed below and labelled as terminal/non-terminal and observable/unobservable: Initializing: non-terminal observable Active: non-terminal ...
Brash Equilibrium's user avatar
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Make sense of plotting a transition matrix

I'm studying statistics and I'm trying to understand markov chain topic. I'm using the package "markovchain" in R to obtain the stationary distribution. From this transition matrix $M$: <...
Paolo's user avatar
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