I am new to msm package and markov models. I have a randomized trial dataset with readings from three time points: baseline, at 1 year, and at 2 year. I am trying to calculate annual transition probabilities and mean soujurn time for each state for the following two scenarios.
- NGT to iIFG and regression to NGT or progression to diabetes (i.e., NGT <-> iIFG -> diabetes)
- NGT to iIFG to diabetes (i.e., NGT -> iIFG -> diabetes)
States are glycemic states (NGT (state=1), iIFG (state=2), and diabetes (state=3)). Diabetes is the absorbing state.
Here is what my data looks like. Note that not all participants have reading from all 3 time points, but all of them have readings for atleast 2 time points (baseline and at 1 year). There are no NA values in the df. Time is in years. I set the time for baseline reading as 0.
showing some rows for example.
participant_num | time | state
2 0.0000000 2
2 2.0123203 3
3 0.0000000 1
3 1.0157427 1
3 2.0123203 1
4 0.0000000 2
4 1.0157427 2
4 2.0123203 3
5 1.0157427 2
5 2.0123203 2
7 0.0000000 1
7 1.0157427 1
7 2.0123203 2
8 0.0000000 2
8 1.0157427 2
8 2.0123203 2
9 0.0000000 2
9 1.0157427 1
9 2.0123203 1
10 0.0000000 2
10 1.0157427 1
10 2.0123203 1
m1 <- statetable.msm(state, participant_num, data=df)
from 1 2 3
1 269 195 6
2 162 626 58
3 0 1 42
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.000 0.000 1.185 1.039 2.012 2.585
##scenario 1: NGT <-> iIFG -> diabetes
trans_mat <- matrix(c(1, 1,1,
1, 1, 1,
0, 0, 0),
nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE)
rownames(trans_mat) <- colnames(trans_mat) <- c("NGT", "iIFG", "Diabetes")
NGT iIFG Diabetes
NGT 1 1 1
iIFG 1 1 1
Diabetes 0 0 0
mm <- msm(state ~ time, subject=participant_num, data=df, deathexact=TRUE, gen.inits = TRUE, qmatrix=trans_mat)
Error in optim(method = "BFGS", control = list(), par = c(qbase = -0.943801885337371, :
initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite
How should I solve this? Is my trans_mat wrong? or the format of my data is wrong? I would appreciate any help and suggestions. Thank you!