I think I know what the speaker was getting at. Personally I don't completely agree with her/him, and there's a lot of people who don't. But to be fair, there are also many who do :) First of all, note that specifying the covariance function (kernel) implies specifying a prior distribution over functions. Just by changing the kernel, the realizations of the Gaussian Process change drastically, from the very smooth, infinitely differentiable, functions generated by the Squared Exponential kernel
to the "spiky", nondifferentiable functions corresponding to an Exponential kernel (or Matern kernel with $\nu=1/2$)
Another way to see it is to write the predictive mean (the mean of the Gaussian Process predictions, obtained by conditioning the GP on the training points) in a test point $x^*$, in the simplest case of a zero mean function:
where $\mathbf{k}^*$ is the vector of covariances between the test point $x^*$ and the training points $x_1,\ldots,x_n$, $K$ is the covariance matrix of the training points, $\sigma$ is the noise term (just set $\sigma=0$ if your lecture concerned noise-free predictions, i.e., Gaussian Process interpolation), and $\mathbf{y}=(y_1,\ldots,y_n)$ is the vector of observations in the training set. As you can see, even if the mean of the GP prior is zero, the predictive mean is not zero at all, and depending on the kernel and on the number of training points, it can be a very flexible model, able to learn extremely complex patterns.
More generally, it's the kernel which defines the generalization properties of the GP. Some kernels have the universal approximation property, i.e., they are in principle capable to approximate any continuous function on a compact subset, to any prespecified maximum tolerance, given enough training points.
Then, why should you care at all about the mean function? First of all, a simple mean function (a linear or orthogonal polynomial one) makes the model much more interpretable, and this advantage must not be underestimated for model as flexible (thus, complicated) as the GP. Secondly, in some way the zero mean (or, for what's worth, also the constant mean) GP kind of sucks at prediction far away from the training data. Many stationary kernels (except the periodic kernels) are such that $k(x_i-x^*) \to 0 $ for $\operatorname{dist}(x_i,x^*)\to\infty$. This convergence to 0 can happen surprisingly quickly, expecially with the Squared Exponential kernel, and particularly when a short correlation length is necessary to fit the training set well. Thus a GP with zero mean function will invariably predict $y^*\approx 0$ as soon as you get away from the training set.
Now, this could make sense in your application: after all, it is often a bad idea to use a data-driven model to perform predictions away from the set of data points used to train the model. See here for many interesting and fun examples of why this can be a bad idea. In this respect, the zero mean GP, which always converges to 0 away from the training set, is safer than a model (such as for example an high degree multivariate orthogonal polynomial model), which will happily shoot out insanely large predictions as soon as you get away from the training data.
In other cases, however, you may want your model to have a certain asympotic behavior, which is not to converge to a constant. Maybe physical consideration tell you that for $x^*$ sufficiently large, your model must become linear. In that case you want a linear mean function. In general, when the global properties of the model are of interest for your application, then you have to pay attention to the choice of the mean function. When you are interested only in the local (close to the training points) behavior of your model, then a zero or constant mean GP may be more than enough.