I'm fitting an arima
(1,0,0) model using the forecast
package in R on the usconsumption
dataset. However, when I mimic the same fit using lm
, I get different coefficients. My understanding is that they should be the same (in fact, they give the same coefficients if I model an arima
(0,0,0) and lm
with only the external regressor, which is related to this post: Regression with ARIMA(0,0,0) errors different from linear regression).
Is this because arima
and lm
use different techniques to calculate coefficients? If so, can someone explain the difference?
Below is my code.
> library(forecast)
> library(fpp)
> #load data
> data("usconsumption")
> #create equivalent data frame from time-series
> lagpad <- function(x, k=1) {
+ c(rep(NA, k), x)[1 : length(x)]
+ }
> usconsumpdf <- as.data.frame(usconsumption)
> usconsumpdf$consumptionLag1 <- lagpad(usconsumpdf$consumption)
> #create arima model
> arima(usconsumption[,1], xreg=usconsumption[,2], order=c(1,0,0))
arima(x = usconsumption[, 1], order = c(1, 0, 0), xreg = usconsumption[, 2])
ar1 intercept usconsumption[, 2]
0.2139 0.5867 0.2292
s.e. 0.0928 0.0755 0.0605
sigma^2 estimated as 0.3776: log likelihood = -152.87, aic = 313.74
> #create lm model
> lm(consumption~consumptionLag1+income, data=usconsumpdf)
lm(formula = consumption ~ consumptionLag1 + income, data = usconsumpdf)
(Intercept) consumptionLag1 income
0.3779 0.2456 0.2614
in arima. $\endgroup$